
3 November 2016

New York City lays out roadmap to cut carbon emissions

A new report commissioned by the mayor of New York City (USA) has set out the measures needed to achieve an 80 percent cut in emissions by the year 2050. Titled New York City’s Roadmap to 80 by 50, the document lays out strategies across four sectors: energy supply, buildings, transportation, and waste.

Among the suggestions, the roadmap calls for greater efficiency at power plants in the five boroughs, and increased investment in large-scale renewable energy projects, as well as energy storage. Energy codes related to buildings will be tightened and the government will help to provide financing for energy retrofits. The strategy also calls for increased amounts of solar panels on New York rooftops.

In terms of transport, the city wishes to improve opportunities for walking and cycling and the use of public transport. It will also increase the number of electric vehicles in the city’s fleet and work to expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Organic waste will be diverted from traditional landfills, and a greater focus will be placed on energy conversion from waste water treatment.

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