EVENTS SEARCH RESULTS ( 71 - 80 from 634 )

June 2013

Socially responsible procurement of IT hardware in Northern Germany

13 June 2013, 10:30 - 16:30
Rostock, Germany

This conference will provide a space for stakeholders from public procurement, IT hardware companies and NGOs to connect and exchange.

Together these stakeholders will discuss options for socially responsible ICT procurement and how these can be reflected in legally sound tender documents.

The conference is supported by the LANDMARK project, which supports fair working conditions along the global supply chain.

Hospital purchasers

Catalysts for innovative & sustainable procurement
17 June 2013, 14:00 - 17:00
Oslo, Norway

As western societies undergo major changes relating to population ageing and climate change, public healthcare systems are facing the double challenge of delivering quality healthcare services and keeping cost control. In order to cope, hospitals and public services must be creative and seek out innovation, in particular through proactive procurement policies.

As professional interlocutors who possess multi-disciplinary skills, purchasers are at the crossroad where industrial supply meets internal demand. As such, hospital purchasers are bound to become strategic players in sustainable development and innovation management.

For the 30th World Hospital Congress that will be held in Oslo from 17-20 June 2013, the Group purchasing Chapter is organising a pre-congress conference on hospital purchasers as Catalysts for innovative and sustainable procurement.

The target audience for the event includes hospital purchasers & group procurement organisations, innovation agencies & facilitators, and regional / municipal authorities. Participation is free of charge.

Green Contracts and Tenders

18 June 2013
Sydney, Australia

This half day course explores the critical role of contracts and tenders in making green purchasing ‘business as usual,’ and how and where changes can be effectively implement in procurement documentation.

Aimed at procurement, supply chain and sustainability managers, participants will learn how to simply and effectively introduce environmental specifications into the procurement process and influence suppliers towards environmentally preferable practices. Tasks to be covered include: how to write specifications, using preferential as well as minimum requirements, specifications in practice, evaluating tender responses, prioritising for quick wins, and action planning for medium to long term outcomes.

The event is ideal for procurement professionals who have begun implementing green procurement and may have made at least one green purchase, but would like more detailed guidance on integrating environmental specifications into their tender process.

A session will also be held in Melbourne (Australia) on 20 June.

Findings of the Working Group "Integrating sustainable development in purchasing textiles"

25 June 2013, 14:00 - 17:00
Nantes, France

The working group updating the integration of sustainability into textiles procurement, led by the City of Nantes (France), will present its work on 25 June 2013.

The NGO Yamana will also present their study on voluntary industry standard for work clothes. Those interested in attending are invited to view the programme and fill in the registration form below.

Evaluation of the Energy Labelling Directive and specific aspects of the Ecodesign Directive

First stakeholder meeting
27 June 2013, 9:00 - 13:00
Brussels, Belgium

To gather a greater range of input on the effectiveness of the Energy Labelling Directive and specific aspects of the Ecodesign Directive, the European Commission will run a series of consultations with stakeholders.

Registration for the first stakeholder meeting, which takes place on 27 June 2013 from 9.00 – 13.00 in Brussels (Belgium), is now open.

To access the meeting, participants must also register for Stronger ecodesign & energy labelling: Cornerstone of EU Energy & Climate Policies, a seminar held as part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). The seminar can be registered for online.

July 2013

Sustainable technologies and transdisciplinary futures

From collaborative design to digital fabrication
8 - 12 July 2013
Lisbon, Portugal
University Institute of Lisbon

Interested parties are invited to apply for a one week intensive programme on social and technical methods of sustainability. Participants will engage in a transdisciplinary environment that will cover both conceptual and practical activities.

The event will comprise introductory Sessions, masterclasses and hands-on workshops.

The event is intended for Master and PhD students, researchers, and professionals from Science Technology and Society, Product and Service Design, Social Sciences and Humanities, Architecture and Engineering, Communication and Media, Environmental Studies, Economics and Management, Computer Sciences, and others.

Speakers include, Jerry Ravetz (University of Oxford, UK), Liz Sanders (MakeTools, US), and Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, FR).

Registration is available until 1 April 2013. To apply for the programme, follow the link below.

Buying Green - sustainable and climate-friendly procurement

18 July 2013
Stuttgart, Germany

In Germany, the volume of public procurement by federal, state, local and public companies currently amounts to about 360 billion euros per year. That amounts to around 13 percent of Germany's gross domestic product. This is attributable to the municipal levelat a proportion of up to 60 percent - a significant potential. Cities and towns are important purchasers of goods and services and have the power to change markets and also to protect the environment.

Municipal procurement can thus make a significant contribution to sustainable development. The key lies in purchasing sustainable products and services. The spectrum of energy-efficient computers and copiers to wood products from sustainable forest management to low-emission buses. There are already a number of municipal activities in this regard.

The CCI Auftragsberatungsstelle Baden-Württemberg has prepared in cooperation with the Auftragsberatungszentrum Bayern eV a varied program of attractive topics and expert speakers. Take advantage of the lectures, discussions and conversations.

More information and registration:

Webinar: Q&A about the ISEAL Credibility Principles

24 - 25 July 2013

Join us for a complementary webinar on 24 or 25 July to learn more about the ISEAL Credibility Principles, the result of a year long global consultation and launched at the ISEAL Conference. Ask your questions about what each of the principles means and how this global agreement for identifying credible ecolabels could affect your work.

Information and Registration:

September 2013

Green Purchasing for Schools

11 September 2013, 11:00 - 12:00

The Responsible Purchasing Network and the Green Schools Initiative are hosting a back to school webinar. Looking into the sustainability of US schools reveals some surprising statistics: K-12 schools in the US use some six million trees in the form of paper every year, and are responsible for about eight percent of US carbon emissions.

The webinar will be held for an hour on 11 September and will focus on procurement practices that highlight affordable products that will reduce waste and pollution, save energy and water, and safeguard health.

The webinar will also emphasise green purchasing best practices for products such as cleaning and maintenance products, paper and office supplies, computers, furniture, food and cafeteria supplies.

Participants will learn about several guidance documents, including Healthy Purchasing for Healthy Schoolsand the Green Schools Buying Guide.

For more information and to register, click here.

Responsible Purchasing Network

Fair Trade – A Matter of Global Solidarity

European Conference on Fair Trade
17 - 18 September 2013
Bremen, Germany

In 2011 the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Germany) was awarded the first prize in the German-wide competition Capital City of Fair Trade 2011.

This competition was organised by Engagement Global, the Bureau for Development Initiatives of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In an effort to further promote fair trade, beyond regional and national borders, Bremen will hold the conference "European Municipalities Take Action for Fair Trade" in September 2013.