EVENTS SEARCH RESULTS ( 271 - 280 from 632 )

July 2016


Back-to-back with the Triple-Helix Conference
19 - 20 July 2016, 9:00 - 18:00
Budapest, Hungary

The triple-helix conference on bio-based economy “Supporting the development of bio-based economy partnerships in the Danube Region through a triple-helix approach” will take place in Budapest from 19th to 20th of July. Its main goal is to support the university-business-government cooperation (triple-helix model) in order to enhance the development of bio-based economy partnerships in the target countries, tacking societal challenges in the field of food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, water research, and bio-based economy.

The event, that is free of charge, will gather relevant actors working on the identified societal changes, in order to support them in networking and establishing long-term dialogue among. The conference will include a plenary round table and three parallel sessions on food, materials and environmental technologies, and energy.

Back to back, the Danube-INCO.NET 4th Clustering Workshop will take place, with the objective of creating new macro-regional partnerships towards the development of a bio-based economy.

To learn more and to register, visit here.

International Symposium and Workshop RE-Greece 2016

Circular Economy and Sustainable Use of REnewable REsources
20 - 22 July 2016, 9:00 - 18:00
Nisyros, Greece
Municipal Conference Hall

The symposium aims to promote the scientific dialogue supporting the sustainable management and usage of natural renewable resources with best paradigms, practices and policies at the local, Mediterranean, European and Global scales by addressing the technical, socio-economic, ecological and sustainability dimensions in the context of “Accelerating the Transition to Equitable, Sustainable, Post-Fossil Carbon Societies!”

This international forum will bring together experts, young researchers, engineers and practitioners globally, to propose sustainable solutions for the environmental challenges of ‘’vulnerable communities” in the context of climate change and the need for integrating resilience and equity into all levels of society to reduce vulnerabilities and social upheavals.

The event will be held on Nisyros, a small Greek Volcanic island in the Aegean Sea, as a paradigm of sustainable use of local resources for enhancing resilience of the community.

For further information and to register visit the website.

September 2016

20 years of Sustainable Procurement at ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability

13 September 2016, 13:00 - 14:30

The objective of the webinar is to present the initiatives, activities and achievements in the field of sustainable and innovation procurement of ICLEI, the leading global network of over 1,500 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future.

This webinar is hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme, Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, Cities and Lifestyles Unit and co-organized with ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability. It will be focused on the framework of the Sustainable Public Procurement Programme of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.

The 10YFP SPP Programme is a global platform that supports the implementation of SPP around the world. It brings together a variety of stakeholders, building synergies & leveraging resources to progress towards its two major goals of building the case for SPP and supporting SPP implementation on the ground . The Programme is implemented through an extensive network of more than 90 partners in over 40 countries. Informative webinars are organized in order to present the SPP activities of partners and to enhance cooperation and exchange of experience.

Find the agenda of the webinar here, and click here to register.

Challenges and solutions of GPP implementation - GreenS Webinar

14 September 2016, 10.00 - 12.00

This webinar has been organised as part of the GreenS project to discuss the challenges and solutions faced by different organisations across Europe when implementing Green Public Procurement. It will also focus on institutional needs on GPP and experiences and good practices of National GPP Strategies.

The webinar will take place from 10am-12pm (CET) on 14 September.

Participants are requested to register at:

For more information, please download the event programme (below)

Strengthening the European Electric Vehicle Market

Promoting Solutions towards Sustainable and Efficient Mobility
20 September 2016, 9:00 - 17:00
Brussels, Belgium
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre

This international symposium will take place the 20th September 2016 and will examine the latest developments regarding electric vehicles at EU level. It will also analyse the importance of investing in electric and alternative vehicles for economic growth and job creation. Furthermore, the symposium will explore the benefits of using an electric vehicle, from an environmental point of view and evaluate new solutions toward improving electric mobility.

The event aims to bring together Consumer Organisations, Utilities Providers, EV Business Development Organisations and Experts from relevant disciplines to provide a deep approach about the key role that electric vehicles play on the EU targets on CO2 emissions reduction.

During the event delegates will also develop innovative solutions to electric mobility challenges including infrastructure and recharging options as well as examine the role of electric and alternative fuel vehicles creating new job opportunities and fostering competitiveness.

For further information and to attend the symposium click here.

Trade for Sustainable Development Forum 2016

28 - 30 September 2016, 9:00 - 17:00
Geneva, Switzerland

The annual Trade for Sustainable Development Forum is one of the leading global events focused on sustainability standards in international trade and supply chains. Organised by the International Trade Centre (ITC), the T4SD Forum will again take place in conjunction with the WTO Public Forum, from 28-30 September.

Connecting communities in policy and business, trade and sustainability, the T4SD Forum will challenge thought leaders to bridge the gap between debates on sustainability standards, supply chains, and international trade to work towards achieving the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

This year, the focus is on the importance of data-driven decision making to increase accountability and accelerate change toward sustainability in supply chains. Expect candid exchanges of views, latest industry experience and insights into what ITC has to add to these developments with respect to global supply chains and opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

For further information and to register, visit the website.

PAPIRUS Final Conference

29 September 2016, 9:00 - 17:00
Bilbao, Spain

PAPIRUS project is one of the pilot projects in the area of Public Procurement of Innovation co-financed by the European Commission within the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Framework Programme. It has started in October 2013 and now is reaching its final stage. PAPIRUS Partners are organizing a final project conference open and free of charge for everyone and will take place the 29th September 2016 in Bilbao, Spain.

During the conference public procurers who have implemented Public Procurement of Innovation and experts in the field will present their case studies and share their experience on Innovation Procurement. The conference is open for everyone who is interested in Public Procurement of Innovation including public procurers, suppliers, experts, legal advisers, policy makers and others.

Additionally, representative of European Commission services will present upcoming Horizon 2020 funding for 2016-17 that supports procurers to undertake innovation procurements. The event will also be an opportunity for networking and will ensure broad debate and lively discussion between public procurers, policy markets and other stakeholders.

For further information and to register click here.

Innovation procurement of food & catering services for the healthcare sector

29 September 2016, 15:00 - 16:00

This free hour-long webinar, organised by Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe for the EcoQUIP project, will examine innovation procurement of food and catering services for the European healthcare sector.

EcoQUIP is a project aiming to improve the efficiency, quality and environmental sustainability of healthcare through innovation procurement. The project will entail the creation of an ‘Innovation Procurement Leaders Group’ of hospitals that have competence in innovation procurement and the capacity to pioneer new approaches to collaborative procurement.

The webinar will be focusing on innovation procurement and on the EcoQUIP project itself. It will be discussing procurement of food in the healthcare sector, the opportunities and challenges that exist, and the EU Green Public Procurement criteria for food and catering services, currently being developed by DG Env and the JRC.

The webinar will both introduce EcoQUIP’s Joint Statement of Demand on sustainable and healthy food for the healthcare sector, which will be launched shortly and also launch HCWH Europe's report 'Fresh, sustainable & healthy food - Best practices in European healthcare'.

Finally, Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust will showcase a recent procurement project at Rotherham Hospital, whereby the hospital reviewed its catering service to make cuts to its energy use and CO2 emissions and to improve patients' and staff experience.

To register to the webinar visit

October 2016

European Public Procurement Conference 2016

12 - 13 October 2016, 9:00 - 5:30
London, United Kingdom

The European Public Procurement Conference 2016 will take place in London the 12 – 13 of October 2016. This annual conference aims to keep up to date with the latest changes, including analysis on New Models for Procurement Law in light of the unprecedented landscape post Brexit.

The Conference aims to share and learn from the implementation experiences, as well as the successes and challenges of key European jurisdictions. Throughout workshop sessions, case studies and discussion groups, case law at a national and ECJ level as well as gaining practical advice and critical insights from leading experts on major issues will be analysed, such as; evaluating tenders, remedies, exclusions, light-touch regime and others.

During the event, different topics will be discussed and a deep approach to procurement obligations and the future perspectives of the current legislation will be explored. If you would like to attend the Conference you can register here.

For further information visit the Conference website.

Procura+ Seminar 2016

Connect, exchange and act on sustainable and innovation procurement
13 - 14 October 2016, 9:00 - 4:30p
Rome, Italy

ICLEI in cooperation with the Forum CompraVerde-BuyGreen conference have announced the 2016 Procura+ Seminar, which will take place 14 October 2016 in Rome, Italy. The full-day seminar is organised together with the SPP Regions and GPPbest project consortia.

The Procura+ series of seminars provide an opportunity for face-to-face exchange amongst purchasers from all levels of government and procurement stakeholders. The 2016 Seminar will explore how working together in networks – from regional to European level – can increase capacity and support implementation of sustainable and innovation procurement. The programme will include keynote presentations, workshops and interactive sessions aimed at building and strengthening existing networks.

The Procura+ Participants and Strategic Partners meeting will take place on the afternoon of 13 October, the day before the Procura+ Seminar. All are welcome to attend, get involved and receive a flavour of the activities the Procura+ Network has to offer.

Detailed information about the events will be made available on the Procura+ website. You can contact ICLEI with any questions or queries at