EVENTS SEARCH RESULTS ( 501 - 510 from 634 )

September 2021

Procurement as a Building Block for Circular Construction

7 September 2021, 10:30 - 11:45

Join this webinar to hear from several of the pilot projects that have been participating in the Interreg North Sea Region ProCirc project as they discuss how they have navigated key challenges to circular construction.


10.30 CEST - Welcome and Introduction to ProCirc
10:35 CEST - Key challenges and opportunities in the construction sector
10:45 CEST - Theme 1 panel discussion and Q&A: Setting circular ambition, cirteria, and measuring impact
11:10 CEST - Theme 2 panel discussion and Q&A: Engaging with stakeholders to implement reuse of buildings, components and materials
11:40 CEST - Closing remarks

Theme 1: setting circular ambition, criteria, and measuring impact

Challenges addressed:

Bringing circular ambition into requirements for components

Translating circular economy terminology into something that suppliers will understand

How to score / rank offers

Developing metrics to evaluating success against


Theme 2: engaging with stakeholders to implement reuse of buildings, components and materials

Challenges addressed:

Temporary construction / use of space

Considering rebuilds rather than defaulting to build new

Finding suppliers of circular materials and services

Setting up reuse systems


Register now!

Everything as a Service & the Circular Economy. The role of ICT in sustainable public procurement

15 September 2021, 16:00 - 17:30

In March 2020, under the auspices of the EU Green Deal, the European Commission published its new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), which defines a set of policy and legislative initiatives aiming to make products, services and business models more sustainable. The CEAP also recognizes the role of new technologies as key enablers for improving production and consumption patterns. One of its headline initiatives is the Sustainable Product Initiative (SPI) which will revise the current EU legislation on Eco-design aims to make products placed on the EU market more sustainable.

This Forum Europe and HPE discussion will look at “product as a service” both in principle and in practice. How important will this be to the development of a circular economy, and what work is required across the ICT sector to make further progress?

Key Questions:

● How can IT industry contribute to greener public procurement?
● How can the European Commission Sustainable Product Initiative contribute to the EU economy recovery?


16:00 - 16:10 Welcome and opening remarks - Brian Tippens, VP and Chief Sustainability Officer, HPE

16:10 - 17:10 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Sonja van Renssen, Managing Editor, Energy Monitor, New Statesman Group


Florika Fink-Hooijer, Director General, DG ENV, European Commission
David Peck, Associate Professor, Delft University of Technology
Josefine Hintz, Officer, Sustainable Economy and Procurement
Gareth Bevan, Senior Technologist, Sustainable Transformation HPE

17:10 - 17:30 Discussion and Q&A

Register here:

October 2021

Daring Cities 2021 - The Global Virtual Forum for Urban Leaders Taking on the Climate Emergency

4 - 8 October 2021

Daring Cities is designed to empower urban leaders – such as mayors, city councilors, administrators, and urban thought leaders, as well as national government representatives, researchers, technical staff, business leaders, civil society decision-makers and community organizers – to tackle the climate emergency.

Daring Cities 2021 will build upon the success of last year’s premier edition, which was the largest online gathering of the urban community on the climate emergency to date. Over 4500 attendees have engaged in Daring Cities 2020 over the course of the three-week long virtual forum, which featured around 100 virtual offerings and 500 speakers, including the UN Secretary General, 8 Ministers, 7 UN Agency chiefs, and more than 150 Mayors, Governors, Councillors and other urban leaders.

The 2021 edition offers an exciting five-day program featuring 20 sessions including strategic high-level dialogues, hands-on training sessions for policy makers and practitioners, as well as a variety of networking opportunities. By knowing more, urban leaders can act better in setting and achieving science-based climate action targets, and together, lead us in ambitiously tackling the climate emergency.

Online Report Launch - 'Green mining' is a myth

5 October 2021, 15:00 - 16:30

Forum Compraverde Buygreen

6 - 8 October 2021


The Forum Compraverde Buygreen is an Italian and European event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives on green and sustainable procurement, it’s approaching to its XV edition. Two days on the state-of-the-art of Green Procurement through seminars, workshops, trainings, one to one exchanges and other participated initiatives will enable the discussion of the newest legal issues, of national and international best practices, and the opportunities in the field of Green Procurement and ecological transition.

The Forum aims at promoting a just and sustainable economy. Conferences, workshops and seminars will focus on the dissemination of green and sustainable procurement at municipal, regional, national and European level, and on specific related themes, such as sustainable building and low environmental impact infrastructures, green areas management, sustainable food, sustainable cultural events, circular procurement and best practices for ecological transition and real change.

More information here.

C40 Webinar - Zero Emission Construction Machinery

7 October 2021, 17:00 - 18:00

C40's Clean Construction Forum supports cities in driving the transition to resource-efficient, resilient and zero-emission construction. Tackling emissions from construction sites is a difficult task, but doing so can also give multiple benefits, including: lower GHG emissions, reduced local air pollution, reduced noise and a better work environment for construction workers. 

C40 cities have started tackling emissions from construction activities in different ways - some have pilots introducing zero emission construction machinery, while others have introduced measures related to air quality. In this webinar we will explore the different approaches, challenges and opportunities in this area. 


Introduction - C40

Kaitlyn Dietz, Officer, Circular Economy & Sustainable Construction, ICLEI/ Big Buyers for Climate & Environment (DG Grow Initiative)

Claus Wilhelmsen, Environmental Planner, City of Copenhagen

Sarah Morris, Senior Policy and Programme Officer, Greater London Authority

Josh Pollak, Senior Environmental Planner, San Francisco Planning

Emi LaFountain, Sustainability Project Manager, Turner Construction Company


Register now.

Circular procurement as a strong instrument to support green transition of European territories

12 October 2021, 14:30 - 16:00

As a part of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 and supported by the Interreg NSR ProCirc project, this workshop will dive into the world of circular procurement and will focus on sharing knowledge, expertise and lessons learned. This event will help procurers, policymakers and other stakeholders to address the following questions:

  • What is the contribution of circular procurement to local and regional transition to circular economy?
  • What circular procurement examples and tools can support this transition?
  • How can we improve the current procurement framework (from legal, policy and practice perspectives) to foster circular economy in cities and regions?

The event will be a joint activity of ProCirc partners (in particular ACR+, Rijkswaterstaat, Circular Flanders and Malmö), CEMR and UBC.


14:30 - Introductive words on circular procurement and presentation of ProCirc  (ACR+, tbc)
14:40 - Cities and regions taking the lead for the transition to circular economy  (Tjisse Stelpstra, European Committee of the Regions and CEMR spokesperson, tbc)
14:50 - Inspiration talk: the practical experience of Malmö on circular procurement  (Malmö municipality, tbc)
15:00 - ProCirc tools to help procurers in their transition towards circular practices
(Circular Flanders, tbc)
15:10 - C-PRONE: a long-term framework for the circular procurement community (Rijkswaterstaat, tbc)
15:20 - Panel discussion on challenges and opportunities for circular procurement, including a Q&A session with the audience (tbc)
15:55 - Conclusions & key messages to take home (ACR+, tbc)

Public procurement specialists meet the market – market engagement strategies and the example of AI

12 October 2021, 14:30 - 16:00


This European Week of Regions and Cities session will highlight where and how public procurement meets the market A key aspect of successful public procurement of innovation is to encourage innovative (small and medium-sized) companies to bid for tenders. The projects AI4Cities, Urban Agenda and Procure2Innovate have gathered practical experience in engaging the market and want to share those resources. audience. Their practical experience will be complemented by the scientific perspective of Willem Janssen, associate professor at the Utrecht University.


14:30 Opening words
Kaisa Sibelius (Coordinator AI4Cities, Forum Virium Helsinki)
Marlene Grauer (Coordinator Procure2Innovate, BME)

14:50 Moderated interview with pre-set questions
Kaisa Sibelius
Willem Janssen (Associate professor European and Dutch Public Procurement law, Centre for Public Procurement, School of Law, Utrecht University)
Valentina Schippers-Opejko (Coordinator Urban Agenda Partnership, City of Haarlem)
Robert Miskuf (CEO Pedal Consulting)

15:15: Moderated interview with social media questions
Kaisa Sibelius
Willem Janssen
Valentina Schippers-Opejko
Robert Miskuf

15:30: Moderated interview with questions from participants
Kaisa Sibelius
Willem Janssen
Valentina Schippers-Opejko
Robert Miskuf

15:45: Presentation of resources for market engagement

16:00: Ending

Given that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, input from attendees will be highly appreciated. There will be a lot of interaction and no PowerPoint presentations! You are also very welcome to ask us any questions on social media: Contact us with your questions at AI4CitiesEU, Procureinno or ICELI_Procure.

Click here to register for this EWRC session

More information on the EWRC can be found here


12 October 2021, 12:00 - 12:45

Kick-off of the European Commission DG GROW new series of lunchtime talks on SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT!

⭐Social inclusion clauses implemented in Sweden and France
⭐Our speakers' recommendations for making public procurement a lever for social inclusion 
SPEAKERS : Anna Lupi Caroline Chalamon Patrick Amofah


Learn more:
????Read our new Buying Social Guide:


How to start using climate and net-zero aligned clauses in your contracts

12 October 2021, 13:00 - 14:00

Public procurement is vital to the achievement of climate neutrality targets set by governments around the world. This workshop gives procurers the opportunity to get introduced to the Net Zero Toolkit by the Chancery Lane Project, which can be used by subnational governments that have committed to the Race to Zero and ICLEI’s Climate Neutrality Framework. The toolkit includes practical checklists, case studies and a glossary of relevant terms around climate and procurement. In the workshop, you will get an overview of the Climate Clauses across sectors such as energy or information technology (IT). This session will also add value to policymakers and sustainability advisors by showcasing very practically the significant leverage public procurement holds in institutionalising climate targets. 


  • Becky Annison, Director of Engagement, The Chancery Lane Project
  • Maryke van Staden, Director of ICLEI’s Bonn Center for Local Climate Action and Reporting (carbonn Climate Center), ICLEI World Secretariat
  • Josefine Hintz, Officer, Global Initiatives, Sustainable, Innovation and Circular Procurement, ICLEI Europe

To join the event, please register here