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September 2015

PROBIS Meet the Market

16 September 2015, 10:00 - 16:00
Gothenburg, Sweden

After gaining a broad participation to the Turin (Italy) Event, the PROBIS project is inviting Swedish and European suppliers and leading developers in ventilation and indoor climate to attend the second Meet the Market Event, which takes place in Gothenburg (Sweden) on 16 September 2015.

Participants at the event will get full information about PROBIS and the characteristics of the residential building object of the tender, located in Tjӓrna ӓngar in Borlӓnge Municipality. Furthermore, they will get involved in group sessions in which procurers will open a dialogue about the performance requirements.

Suppliers and leading developers in ventilation and indoor climate are invited to take part in the dialogue on how to procure innovative and energy efficient solutions. For more information about the event, see the announcement below or contact