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September 2015

3rd Meeting on Responsible Public Procurement

24 September 2015, 09:00 - 16:00
Lorient, France

RĂ©seau Grande Ouest is inviting French public procurers to the 3rd Meeting on Responsible Public Procurement, which will take place on 24 September 2015 in Lorient (France). The free conference will be devoted to recent legislation for socially responsible economic activity and development in France and its impact for procurers.

The conference will therefore examine the possibilities offered by the new law in structuring and developing a more socially-responsible economy through public demand. Two afternoon workshops will explore this theme in greater detail.

The agenda and registration form for the event are available for download below. Registration to the event is open until 17 September. Places are limited so registration is advised. The event will be held in French.

For more information, click the link below.