EVENTS SEARCH RESULTS ( 1 - 1 from 1 )

December 2019

Environmental Protection, Internal Market, Economic Instruments: Joining the Dots

5 - 6 December 2019
Brussels, Belgium

The aim of this seminar is to unpack the linkages between environmental law and policy and other areas of EU law, such as internal market rules, competition law, the market-based mechanisms for environmental protection as well as the public procurement and EU trade rules. It will offer an overview of the latest developments regarding legislation, case law and best practices in these crosscutting areas facilitating the exchange of experiences among legal practitioners, judges and regulators.

Key topics

  • EU environmental law and internal market rules (focus on renewables and plastics)
  • Green public procurement
  • EU State aid law and environmental protection
  • Eco-taxation (fiscal mechanisms) and charge systems
  • EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
  • Competition law (Art. 101 and 102 TFEU) and the environment
  • EU trade law and environmental policy
  • Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)

Who should attend?
In-house counsel and lawyers in private practice, judges, regulatory authorities and civil servants working on environmental matters.