
22 July 2014

Austrian database provides information on green cleaning products

The Vienna Environment Consultancy, in cooperation with the Lower Austria Energy and Environment Agency, has launched an online database which rates and recommends products according to their green credentials. The ÖkoRein portal contains more than 500 recommended products for use in households and the commercial sector.

Products are divided into two different categories: green is used to signify products which cause the least damage to the environment and human health, while yellow products (suitable for commercial use) are deemed as having a moderate impact. All detergents and cleaning agents that carry the EU Ecolabel, the Austrian Ecolabel or the Nordic Swan are also classified by the Consultancy as environmentally and health-friendly.

The database is regularly updated and is intended as a complementary tool to eco-labelling. It provides additional environmental information on product categories that are not yet covered by European and Austrian eco-labels, enabling purchasers to choose green alternatives in a broader range of cleaning and laundry products.

For more information, click here [in German].