
12 June 2013

Green procurement tools, information and support available on Buy Smart+ website

Public authorities and private companies looking for support with green procurement can find free consultation services and information on the website of the Buy Smart+ project. Funded by Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), the central objective of the project is to increase the share of energy efficient procurement in Europe, thereby supporting the production and use of energy efficient goods and services.

As well as information materials, the project will provide training, good practices and tools, including technical guidelines on several product groups, as well as life-cycle costing tools. This will be achieved through the establishment of green procurement helpdesks in 15 EU countries. The site specifically looks at the product groups: building components, green electricity, household appliances, lighting, office equipment and vehicles.

Sample purchasing policies are available, and interested parties can subscribe to the project newsletter. Training modules offering a short overview of different product groups, as well as tips on conducting successful trainings, can also be downloaded.

For more information, click here.