Innovative Procurement - Opportunities and Chances Webinar
Webinar from the SESAM project - improving SMEs access to cross-border public procurement. Speakers: Wolfgang Treinen (Berlin Partner for Business and Technology), Doris Scheffler and Leonora Yannakis (EU Contact Point for Public Procurement of Innovation c/o ZENIT GmbH)
Declaration of Commitment to Compliance with Labour and Social Standards in Public ICT Procurement
In a joint initiative, the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BeschA) and Bitkom have updated the purchasing conditions for the socially sustainable procurement of ITC products and ITC services. The updated version extends the obligations of suppliers of ICT products and services to respect fair working conditions.
EU Commission Webinar on green procurement of street lighting with focus on new criteria for road lighting and traffic signals with input from the Commission, the JRC and examples from Italy and Spain. The recoring is available.
INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS IN EUROPE: First outline of an innovation ecosystem index
The goal of the here presented research study is to develop a typology, which gives a better understanding of what kind of archetypes of European innovation ecosystems exist. Additionally, the study develops a set of flexible and fixed criteria for the archetypes, which can be used by cities to classify themselves and develop the best strategies to develop innovation ecosystems.
The guidelines provide fundamental considerations that a government should address before acquiring and deploying AI solutions and services. They apply once it has been determined that the solution needed for a problem could be AI-driven.
Public sector guidance on the procurement of plastics
Guidance on how to use procurement to tackle environmental and health issues associated with plastics. Focus is on single-use and packaging plastics, however the guide includes simple processes and tools which organisations can use to inform internal decision-making and purchasing choices for all products containing plastic and to deliver solutions appropriate to both the context and location.
Procurement Requirements for Carbon Reduction in Infrastructure Construction Projects
The report presents the institutional and organisational contexts, policies, procurement requirements and implementation strategies used to drive greenhouse gas reduction in large infrastructure projects in five countries world-wide: Australia, The Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and the US.
From the tap: replacing single-use water containers with glass in the Basque Country, Spain
To address issues of plastic waste and reduce spending on bottled water, Mutualia decided to procure e.g. water fountains connected to the public water network, offering tap water instead of buying bottled water. The procurement has reduced both Mutualia’s spending on water and its plastic waste.