SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 469 - 477 from 1211 )

Alliance for Sustainable Procurement Report of the Ministry for Economy and Technology to the Head of the Councillors Office, 22 October 2012
This is the annual report on achievements at the federal level to implement Sustainable Procurement in Germany.
Textiles, Transport and vehicles, Buildings and construction
General GPP/SPP, Energy efficiency
Green procurement and green products generate growth
Seven business cases for green procurement from Denmark are presented through this publication. The examples demonstrate how green procurement contributes to the green transition of society. The focus is on the effects of green procurement from the perspective of suppliers in regards to job creation, innovation, export, and marketing opportunities.
English, Danish
Europe/EU, Denmark
Energy, Cleaning, Waste
General GPP/SPP
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
EU GPP Case Study - Purchasing energy efficient street lighting
City of Rotterdam published a tender in 2012 for the purchase of standard lighting fixtures for the whole city for the period 2013 to 2020. The form of the tender was an e-auction in three lots, with one framework agreement for each lot
Europe/EU, Netherlands
Lighting, Infrastructure
General GPP/SPP, Energy efficiency
Clean Fleets Factsheet: EU clean road vehicles legislation & policy
The Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles (2009/33/EC – known as the Clean Vehicles Directive) is aimed at a broad market introduction of more efficient, lower emission vehicles. It requires public purchasers and private companies running public transport services to consider energy and environmental impacts when purchasing road vehicles. The factsheets provides guidance for procurers to follow the Directive.
Transport and vehicles
Clean Fleets Project
EU GPP Case Study - Circular catering services for the Plavinu Gymnasium
Pļaviņu Municipality (Latvia) wanted to sustain good quality catering in their school for a reasonable price. They also wanted to include circular aspects in the procurement in order to be more sustainable.
Europe/EU, Latvia
Food and catering, Waste
Circular Economy
EU GPP Case Study - Energy performance contracting for efficient outdoor lighting
Municipality of Jimena de la Frontera, Cádiz - In July 2009, the Municipality expressed its commitment to sustainable development and the creation of a new local energy model by signing the Covenant of Mayors initiative and developing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), with an overall goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions(GHG) by 21% before 2020 (compared to 2007 levels)
Europe/EU, Spain
Energy, Lighting
General GPP/SPP, Energy efficiency
EU GPP Case Study - Socially responsible cleaning framework using green cleaning products
The Catalan Government uses GPP to support several strategic policies, including: reducing the negative impacts of production and consumption; ensuring the environmental performance of government actions; promoting ecoinnovation and market transformation to transition towards a circular, green and competitive economy; and supporting other policies and instruments pursuing these objectives.
Europe/EU, Spain
Cleaning, Buildings and construction
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Energy Innovation Procurement. A Guide for City Authorities
This Guide provides a multi-level approach for ambitious City authorities that wish to achieve transformational energy outcomes across the city. It includes the methodology that was created and applied within the European project CEPPI (Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities) known as the ‘Flexible Framework for Energy Innovation Procurement’, approaches to needs identification and planning, and strategies for procurement interventions to achieve innovation.
Energy, Lighting
Energy efficiency, Innovation procurement (PPI)
GPP-STREAM builds on the idea that interregional cooperation can help mainstreaming GPP policies within the administrations involved and ensure that resource efficiency measures are spread and benefits acknowledged. The project aims to improve the management, implementation and monitoring of policy instruments that integrate GPP approaches so as to ensure that resource efficiency gains can be maximized and that resource efficiency objectives are institutionalized through GPP. The project is coordinated by Region Friuli and is implemented in partnership with 8 Bulgarian, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian bodies that have complementary environmental and GPP expertise.
Europe/EU, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Romania, Spain
General GPP/SPP