GPP 2020 aims to mainstream low-carbon procurement across Europe in support of the EU’s goal of a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a 20% increase in the share of renewable energy and a 20% increase in energy efficiency by 2020.
EU GPP case study: Kolding’s procurement of climate-friendly lighting solutions (Denmark)
Led by the city’s Environment Department, a call for tender was published at the end of January 2011 for the supply of highly energy efficient replacement light bulbs (such as light emitting diodes - LEDs). The tender was presented in cooperation with the Danish 12-City Purchasing Group.
Energy efficiency
European Commission - Directorate General Environment
This document provides an overview of the requirements identified by the PRO-LITE partners to inform the ideas and innovations submitted through PRO-LITE’s Online Submission Tool
This collection of best case studies on the procurement of biobased solutions aims to foster the purchase of biobased products through the showcase of 20 examples.
This case study reports the example of Turin's procurement of school catering. To gain a better understand of what levels of greenhouse gas emissions were produced at different stags of the food procurement, a detailed study was commissioned from the University of Turin to look into the carbon footprint of the catering system in more depth.
The aim of the competition, which takes the form of a tender, is to stimulate economic activity and allow for the realisation of innovative plans, which are focused on making products using the city's waste flows.