SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 964 - 972 from 1211 )

The Power of Procurement - Public Purchasing in the Service of Realizing the Right to Food
This briefing note explains how public procurement can contribute to the progressive realization of the human right to adequate food, and how it already does so in a number of countries. It describes why public procurement matters for food and nutrition security strategies, and what it can achieve. It identifies which kind of public procurement should be encouraged, based upon country examples, and identifies five key principles that should be integrated into public procurement schemes and modalities, such as the need to target vulnerable groups; support food accessibility and adequate diets; ensure environmental sustainability; and include participation, accountability and empowerment as strong features of public procurement schemes. It reviews frequently cited ‘obstacles’ to the implementation of some of these principles, including budgetary constraints, institutional and legal issues, and demonstrates that there is room to develop ambitious public procurement policies and programmes. It also addresses potential constraints presented by the WTO Government Procurement Agreement. It ends with a number of recommendations to policy-makers.
Food and catering
Olivier De Schutter - United Nations Special Rapporteur On The Right To Food
Policy Paper- e government services- How can citizens get involved in policymaking through e-government services?
This policy paper distils the essential findings of a report from the INTERREG IVC Programme into a ‘ready-touse’ tool to convince policymakers of not only the need for change, but exactly what change is required.
Innovation procurement (PPI)
Policy Paper- Eco Innovation- What approaches can make regions both smart and sustainable?
This policy paper distils the essential findings of a report from the INTERREG IVC Programme into a ‘ready-touse’ tool to convince policymakers of not only the need for change, but exactly what change is required.
Innovation procurement (PPI)
Are the minimum requirements of the TvgG NRW compatible for public contractors and their subcontractors with EU law?
General GPP/SPP,
Institut of Economic and Social Research
Sustainable Procurement: A guide
Ziel der Analyse ist es, Handlungsspielräume für die Implementierung öko-soziale Aspekte beim Einkauf von Verbrauchsmaterialien und der Vergabe von Infrastrukturprojekten innerhalb des Unternehmens aufzuzeigen
Transport and vehicles
ÖBB Infrastruktur
Sustainable Procurement: Time to measure value creation!
The HEC Sustainable Procurement Benchmark attempts to measure the evolution of practices of global procurement organizations (Part I)- Part II will propose a
framework for better Sustainable Procurement value measurement.
General GPP/SPP
Sustainable procurement practice in the public sector: An international comparative study
This paper explores sustainable procurement practice internationally. In
particular, it reports the findings of a survey of sustainable procurement practices within a sample of over 280 public procurement practitioners from 20 countries and with collective responsibility for expenditure totalling $45bn.
University of Bath School of Management
Market surveillance of Energy Labelling and Ecodesign product requirements
This document analyses the main findings and recommendations of four European projects focusing on market surveillance related to energy labelling and ecodesign legislation.
French Environment and Energy Management Agency
Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit bei der Beschaffung - Ein Leitfaden für Kommmunen
Ziel von pro-EE ist es, Energieeffizienz durch nachhaltige öffentliche Beschaffung zu verbessern. Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf innovative Produkte mit höherem wirtschaftlichem und technischem Energieeinsparungspotenzial und entwickelt Musterverfahren und Netzwerk-Ansätze, die von jeder europäischen Beschafferorganisation umgesetzt werden können. Ein Hauptergebnis von pro-EE sind auf Erfahrung basierende Empfehlungen für die Integration nachhaltiger Beschaffungsmethoden und Strategien in die Handlungspolitik lokaler und regionaler Beschafferorganisationen.
Energy efficiency
Pro-EE C/O: Climate Alliance / Alianza del Clima e.V. / Klima-Bündnis e.V.