SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 1018 - 1026 from 1211 )

Green Tenders - An Action Plan on Green Public Procurement
The Programme for Government 20111 envisages public procurement as a tool to support innovative Irish firms. In the health and education sectors, the Programme specifically commits to achieving greater value for money
in public procurement, for example through greater efficiencies in the construction of facilities and through pooling back-office functions such as ICT procurement. In accordance with these commitments and with the
Government’s wider sustainable development objectives, the Irish public sector needs to play an exemplary role in green public procurement (GPP) throughout its spending profile. This Action Plan on GPP – Green Tenders – aims to make that vision a reality.
English, Irish
General GPP/SPP, Innovation procurement (PPI)
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (Ireland)
Guidelines to the procurement and tariff directive Northrhine-Westphalia
Der Leitfaden zur RVO TVgG - NRW ist deshalb ausdrücklich ein Praktikerleitfadden. Auf rechtswissenschaftliche Diskussionen und a
usführliches Zitieren von Gesetzesregelungen und Rechtsprechungsentscheidungen
wird bewusst im Sinne von Lesbarkeit und Verständlichkeit verzichtet. Stattdessen wird praktische Erfahrung mit den Anforderungen zur Einbindung der Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte des TVgG - NRW verbunden. Der Leitfaden richtet sich an
die vielen Beschäftigten von öffentlichen Auftraggebern in NRW, die täglich mit
der Beschaffung von Waren, Bau- oder Dienstleistungen befasst sind und in dies
er Eigenschaft Vergabeverfahren vorbereiten, durchführen und zu einem erfolgrei
chen Abschluss bringen. Der Leitfaden richtet sich aber genauso an Bieter aus d
er Privatwirtschaft, vor allem aus dem Mittelstand, deren Kalkulatoren, Techniker und Vertriebsmitarbeiter, die sich um öffentliche Aufträge bemühen.
Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Energy, Cleaning, Timber and forestry , Buildings and construction, Lighting, Office stationery
General GPP/SPP
Ministerium für Wirtschafte, Energie, Industrie, Mittelstand und Handwerk des Landes Nordrhein - Westfalen
Green Growth the Nordic Way - Green Public Procurement
In this issue we look at green public procurement and at the more overall issue of financing for green investments. In both cases, we look at the Nordic synergies and the potential for creating better framework conditions for government, businesses and organizations alike by looking at the issues through a Nordic lens.
Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Norway
Innovation procurement (PPI)
Nordic Council of Ministers
Sustainable Consumption and Production Clearinghouse
The Global SCP Clearinghouse is targeted at governments, the business sector, researchers, civil society, mass media, among other actors. It covers all themes and sectors relevant to SCP as well as all regions. The Global SCP Clearinghouse builds on and links to many existing websites and portals, providing new and interactive functions to strengthen cooperation and inspire more action for SCP.
English, French
General GPP/SPP
Guide to electromobility - procurement of electric and hybrid vehicles
Der Leitfaden wendet sich an diejenigen Personen, die in Bundes- oder Landesbehörden oder auf der kommunalen Ebene für die Beschaffung zuständig sind. Der Leitfaden soll aus der Nutzerperspektive besondere Herausforderungen und Zusammen-hänge aufzeigen, die in diesem Kontext beachtet werden sollten.
Transport and vehicles
Energy efficiency,
Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI)
Guide to public timber procurement - being a responsible stakeholder
L’association PEFC vient de publier un nouveau guide pour les produits bois ou à base de bois (papier et fournitures de bureau) ainsi qu’une note à l’attention des collectivités territoriales publiant un appel d’offre public intégrant une exigence de certification durable de la forêt.
Timber and forestry
What feeds us: Vancouver Food Strategy
The City of Vancouver has been working to support a just and sustainable food system since 2003 in partnership with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and countless community organizations. The City’s commitment to creating a just and
sustainable food system builds on food systems initiatives and grassroots community development that dates back decades in our city and province.
Food and catering
City of Vancouver
The Case for Innovative Procurement
This report forms the basis of Work Package 2 “The Case for Innovative procurement.” It draws upon research carried out by the partners to identify the environmental impact of their existing vehicles and assess future procurement needs. It then turns to an overview of potential solutions to meet these needs. This report addresses the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of innovative procurement for fire and rescue service vehicles. The guidance framework prepared under Work Package 3 “Risk Management” addresses the ‘how’ and ‘who’, by looking at different approaches to supplier engagement, procurement and contract design and implementation.
Europe/EU, Belgium, United Kingdom
Textiles, Transport and vehicles
Innovation procurement (PPI)
Forum for sustainable purchasing
Forum for Sustainable Procurement was set up by the Minister for the Environment in May 2011 to promote environmentally conscious and responsible procurement of goods and services among professional buyers - both in public and private companies.
General GPP/SPP
Minister for the Environment (Denmark)