SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 325 - 333 from 336 )

Buying Green - Green public procurement in Europe: A summary
This document provides an overview of green public procurement (GPP) in
the European Union (EU). It introduces the concept of GPP and summarises the key EU and national policies in this area. Examples are given of the outcomes and benefits of GPP, based on the approaches being implemented by public authorities throughout the EU. The legal and value-for-money aspects of GPP are also presented.

It is based on the more detailed Buying Green Handbook (second edition).
Food and catering, Transport and vehicles, Timber and forestry , Buildings and construction
General GPP/SPP
The Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) to local sustainable procurement
The LGIU to local sustainable procurement with good practice cases from Cambridge, Camden, Gateshead, LGIU, Plymouth and Warwickshire
United Kingdom
General GPP/SPP
Local Information Unit Ltd
The CO2-Performance ladder
The CO2-Performance ladder is a procurement tool to encourage companies to be aware of their CO2 emissions (and those of their suppliers), and to be permanently on the lookout for new ways to save energy, use materials efficiently, and to use renewable energy.
General GPP/SPP, ,
Published by the Independent Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business.
Better Public Transport for Europe - A Good Practice Guide
The guide sets out how local authorities have improved the environmental and quality standards and increased efficiency in urban public transport through preparing for and undertaking competitive tendering.
English, German
Transport and vehicles
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
The competitive dialogue
A guide to the optimal use of the competitive dialogue procedure produced by the Dutch central government based on a number of recent Dutch experiences.
English, Dutch
Innovation procurement (PPI) ,
Dutch national government
Life cycle cost tool - SEMCO
A tool developed by the Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMCO) which can be used in both the needs analysis and in tender evaluation to clarify the total cost for a product during the period it will be used.
English, Swedish
Life-cycle costing
Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMCO)
Guide on dealing with innovative solutions in public procurement - 10 elements of good practice
A concise, helpful guide, produced by the European Commission in 2007, on how to make your procurement practices more open to innovative solutions.
Innovation procurement (PPI)
European Commission
Environment Canada's Green Meeting Guide
A practical, step-by-step guide to the organisation of a green meeting. Published by Environment Canada.
Environment Canada
UK Government Timber Procurement Advice Note - April 2010
Official UK central government guidelines for the procurement of legal and sustainable timber by public authorities. This includes model text for inclusion in specifications and contracts.
United Kingdom
Timber and forestry
UK Central Point of Expertise on Timber Procurement (CPET)