SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 19 - 27 from 43 )

Standards Map - roadmap to sustainable trade
Standards Map provides comprehensive, verified and transparent information on voluntary sustainability standards and other similar initiatives covering issues such as food quality and safety. Standards Map aims to strengthen the capacity of producers, exporters, policymakers and buyers, to participate in more sustainable production and trade.
Food and catering, Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Energy, Cleaning, Timber and forestry , Buildings and construction, Lighting, Office stationery, Medical equipment, Infrastructure, Green spaces, Events, Furniture
General GPP/SPP, Environmental management system
International Trade Centre
Forward Commitment Procurement of a zero waste prison mattress solution
Historically, the majority of waste mattresses and pillows from Her Majesty's Prison Service (HMPS) were sent to landfill or incinerated (costing money and damaging the environment). HMPS worked with the DTI/DEFRA Environmental Innovations Advisory Group and OGC in the first Forward Commitment Procurement (FCP) demonstration project to deliver an innovative solution to this problem.
United Kingdom
Innovation procurement (PPI) , Circular Economy
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Procura+ Case Study: Reuse and refurbishment of furniture
Public Health Wales adopted a new mindset when moving office in 2016, and instead sought suppliers who could reuse and remanufacture as much already owned furniture as possible. The winning tender provided an attractive, functional office design, in which 94% of furniture was reused or remanufactured.
Europe/EU, United Kingdom
Circular Economy
Zero Waste Scotland - Procuring for: Repair, Re-use and Remanufacturing
This guidance is intended to help those responsible for the commissioning, specifying and procurement of products, equipment and services, embed the benefits of a relevant and proportionate focus on repair, re-use and remanufacturing.
Europe/EU, United Kingdom
Food and catering, Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Cleaning, Medical equipment, Infrastructure, Furniture, Waste
Circular Economy
Zero Waste Scotland
Circular Procurement of Furniture for the City Hall of Venlo
The Venlo Region, located in the southeast of the Netherlands, has expressed its ambition to become pioneers in the transition to a circular economy by developing several initiatives supporting the implementation of circular economy principles in the manufacturing and construction sectors.
Europe/EU, Netherlands
Circular Economy
Procuring sustainable furniture in Denmark
In 2013, the Danish government launched a new joint strategy for smart public procurement, which focused on improving public procurement through efficiency, innovation, quality and sustainability. The sustainability aspects were approached by incorporating environmental and energy requirements in order to develop green solutions. The strategy, established by means of a circular and guidelines on public procurement of sustainable timber issued by the Environment Ministry, included purchasing verifiably sustainable timber for wood-based products, as well as for public construction works and state buildings. The guidelines apply to all ministries and state institutions.
Europe/EU, Denmark
Timber and forestry , Furniture
General GPP/SPP, Circular Economy
Circular Procurement of Furniture for the City of Wageningen
For the refurbishment works of the new City hall, the municipality decided to implement a circular procurement concept for their new furniture, seeking products that would deliver a healthy working environment while being truly 100% recyclable. Products included among others conference tables and chairs, cabinets, office chairs, canteen furniture, cupboards, etc.
Europe/EU, Netherlands
Circular Economy
GPP in Practice
Buying sustainable timber: A guide for public purchasers in Europe
This guide has been produced by the Sustainable Timber Action in Europe
project. It is designed to help European public authorities make sure the
timber products they buy are sustainable by offering guidance and a straightforward procurement model.
Timber and forestry , Furniture
Fair trade
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project
Supplying sustainable timber to the public sector
This guide is designed for use by timber companies that wish to meet the demand of public procurers for the responsible purchasing of forest products.
Timber and forestry , Furniture
Fair trade, SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises)
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project