Training material for public procurers - How to procure circular construction skills?
This slide deck aims to help public procurers and policymakers better understand how they can stimulate demand for circular construction skills through public procurement. The deck can be used as a self-learning tool, with links to other resources to learn more about the topic. It can also be used and adapted as needed to help to raise awareness among your colleagues and partners on how they can promote circular construction skills.
Stimulating demand for circular construction skills - a guide for public authorities
Through good practice and replicable examples from Europe and beyond, this document aims to raise awareness among practitioners and policymakers about their ability to promote a more circular construction sector and upskill professionals. It highlights the various levers at their disposal to support this transition
This report introduces the reader to the concept of life cycle costing (LCC) and its current status and latest developments.
The report includes clarifications on the concept of life cycle costing and analysis and total cost of ownership. In specific, it refers to the new EU public procurement Directives, which clearly includes and defines the use of LCC within the public procurement process.
Finally, the report identifies existing LCC tools and best practices with the scope of inviting procurement related professionals to the use of LCC.
The Clean Fleets Life Cycle Cost Calculator is an easy to use tool to allow a comparison of the life cycle costs (LCC)/total costs of ownership (TCO) of different vehicles and bids within a procurement process.
The tool is fully compliant with the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD) (2009/33/EC). It includes the option of applying the the Operational Lifetime Costing methodology from Directive. This methodology monetises the environmental impacts of fuel consumption and tailpipe emissions
This is a free new online training course developed in the framework of HAePPI project (co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme):
It addresses the needs of SMEs that would like to take part in this kind of public procurement tenders, but also it is a support tool for public authorities. The training course, free and open to anyone interested, offers an estimated 30 hours of training based on five different modules:
- Introduction to public procurement in relation to SMEs, where you will get a general overview of this instrument, its benefits, and its main financial issues;
- Public tenders, to learn all the necessary skills to understand and answer public tenders, to know how to read a tender and write your own proposal;
- Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) & Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), to learn about the different ways of acquiring innovation through public purchases;
- Tender tracking and support, to be aware of how to look for tenders and where to find external support;
- Project & innovation management, to understand the basics of how to successfully manage and monitor a PPI project.
Students can plan their learning journey at their convenience, as the training course is accessible through an e-learning platform completely free of charge. The course consists of interactive learning materials, such as videos, presentations, quizzes, a set of coursebooks with all the necessary information for each module, and additional readings on different topics of interest.
Access to the course by registering in the online platform in this link:
Integrating Reuse in Large-Scale Projects and Public Procurement
This guide is a tool aimed primarily at building owners. It presents several routes to integrate the principles of reusing building materials in construction and renovation projects.
The proposed strategies are adapted to the development of public building projects. They are in line with public procurement regulations. However, the general principles described here are also applicable to private contexts and to smaller scale projects, which are generally less constrained in terms of procedures. The main principles can also be transposed to other types of work such as public space developments, landscape infrastructure, etc.
Methodology on Circular Public and Private Procurement
The publication was prepared in order to present circular procurement and circular purchase. Its key topic is sustainable consumption because we all are consumers and the way we buy products matters a lot within sustainable development.
The Inclusive Sourcing Methodology - A Guide for companies to design and implement Inclusive Sourcing policies and programs
Inclusive Sourcing has become a topic of interest as procurement activities and spend represent a significant opportunity for companies to promote inclusive practices and maximize their “inclusion footprint”. This document aims at (1) building a common definition and ambition for “Inclusive Sourcing”, and (2) sharing a “user guide” providing concrete operational advice on how to begin/construct an Inclusive Sourcing strategy.
This factsheet provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities facing the construction sector in the context of global climate emergency. It summarises the innovative actions Global Lead City Network (GLCN) cities have taken to address those issues locally through public procurement.