In the context of the ChemClimCircle project, municipalities are presenting their experiences with Green Public Procurement (GPP). On 13 February, Environmental Economist Ann Faber Ginness will give a presentation on behalf of the Municipality of Gentofte (Denmark).
Ginness will focus on:
- Criteria and implementation of Green Public Procurement in Denmark and Gentofte
- Criteria related to ChemClimCircle aspects
- Actual effects from certain sustainability criteria or political decisions, what impact do purchasing choices have?
After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session. The meeting will be moderated by Anne Lagerqvist from Stockholm municipality and can be followed via the Zoom link below.
ChemClimCircle is a SEED project that wants to address the important gap in policy integration that must be tackled but which is not yet on the European, national, and regional policy agendas: the linkage between Chemicals, Climate and Circularity issues. the consortium will conduct an analysis of the cause-and-effect chains linking chemicals, climate, and circularity, including “no-regret solutions” avoiding undesirable outcomes. It is planned to find pilot cases about successful approaches to connecting the three dimensions and organize think tank seminars.