The role of cities for sustainable food systems
As part of the EU’s Green Deal, the Farm-to-Fork strategy will attempt to make Europe’s food systems fair, sustainable and healthy. But what role do cities have in this journey?
Born from the work of Eurocities’ WG Food and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, Food Trails will tackle this issue with a series of high-profile breakfast dialogues to discuss what role cities can play in transforming food systems and achieving climate goals through food.
As last of three dialogues, on 06 May, Gijs Schilthuis, Head of Unit, Directorate General in charge of Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and Franciska Rosenkilde, Mayor of culture and leisure, for the City of Copenhagen, will discuss the role of cities in supporting the EU food and environmental ambitions with tools such as public procurement, promotion of sustainable diets, rural-urban linkages and urban food production.
The event is financed by Food Trails. You can register here.