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March 2015

GPP 2020 Webinar on Low Carbon Service Contracts

26 March 2015, 10:30 - 12:00

GPP 2020 will be hosting a presentation on best practice examples for service contracts with low carbon criteria and a special focus on transport.

Topics will include: Framework Agreement Postal Services in the Catalan Government (Spain) hosted by Sergi Vibancos, Central Commission of Supply; Procurement of Coordinated Goods Distribution in the Municipality of Växjö (Sweden) hosted by Ulrica Nord, Procurement Department; and Procurement of 100 percent organic seasonal food in the Municipality of Copenhagen (Denmark) hosted by Betina Bergmann Madsen.

Participants will also be able to take part in discussions on similarities and differences in low carbon service contracts, and ask questions.

To register, send an email to the organisers via the address below.