EVENTS SEARCH RESULTS ( 11 - 20 from 31 )

April 2023

Invitation to EVC suppliers: Online market dialogue on the ‘Circular Procurement of EVCs’

24 April 2023, 14:00 - 16:00


The City of Malmö, as a partner of the ProCirc project, and together with Circular Flanders and Rijkwaterstaat, is pleased to invite suppliers of electric vehicle chargers (EVCs) to an online market dialogue to explore the future of the industry. The event is organised by ICLEI Europe.

As demand for electric vehicles grows, the environmental impact of the EVC life-cycle risks being overlooked. To address this, Malmö, in the context of the ProCirc project, is leading the production of a joint statement of demand (JSD) on EVCs to establish a set of common standards for circular EVC procurement and strengthen public authority ambitions for future EVC purchasing.

As part of the JSD development process, a market dialogue will be held to better understand the current situation and future plans of the EVC sector. The session will convene public buyers and EVC suppliers to exchange views, share needs, discuss solutions and prepare recommendations.

Suppliers of EVCs are welcome to join the online market dialogue event where they will have the opportunity to meet and exchange with public purchasers from around Europe, pitch their product(s) and/or service(s), and hear the high-ambition circular asks from a dedicated purchasing group.

This event will take place online over MS Teams. The following elements will be included in this two-hour event:

  • Introduction to the online market engagement event.
  • Public sector innovation needs and procurement plans, featuring presentations by public authority representatives.
  • Pitching of ideas and solutions, with presentations of pitches by EVC suppliers.
  • Group discussion with public buyers and suppliers on circular EVC topics.
  • Closing remarks and conclusions.

To register, click here. Upon registration, you will receive further information.

In case of any questions, please contact Grace Sly (

Public Procurement Conference – centralization and new trends

25 - 26 April 2023

University of Copenhagen

Central purchasing bodies (CPBs) conduct procurement procedures on behalf of other contracting authorities and play an important role in many EU Member States. So does framework agreements and dynamic purchasing. However, in the post-Covid reality, disrupted by the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, and emerging climate change, aggregated procurement is facing many challenges.

This public procurement conference – centralization and new trends aims to address new developments, innovation and sustainability as well as emerging issues in public procurement. The two-day Conference will bring together both practitioners and researchers working in the field from all around Europe, especially from Scandinavia.

The first day of the Conference is divided into three panels:

  • CPBs in Scandinavia - trends and challenges
  • Framework Agreements
  • Dynamic Purchasing Systems

The second day of the Conference is divided into two panels followed by Danish and International Tracks:

  • Public Procurement for a Green Transition
  • The Future of Centralization
  • International Track (held in English) / Danish Track on framework agreements (held in Danish)

More information on the conference can be found here

May 2023

Organic Textile Forum

8 - 10 May 2023

The Organic Textile Forum in Konstanz, taking place from 9-10 May, with an evening event on 8 May will have "Resources with future potential - sustainable materials and innovative raw material alternatives" as its main topic

Textile producers, dealers, organisations and authorities are always somewhere in a value chain between customers and suppliers. The pressure for social and sustainable management of all those involved as part of these supply chains is increasing. Not least because new legal regulations make it necessary and more and more customers, including consumers, are asking for sustainable products. The fact that the environment suffers from textile production and the working conditions in production countries are sometimes catastrophic calls for more responsibility on the part of business, civil society and politics.

The Organic Textile Forum will show the breadth of these challenges, but at the same time will also present solutions, good approaches and best practice examples. More information about the 2023 Organic Textile Forum and its programme can be found here.


CCRI Webinar - The potential of Public Procurement in the transition towards Circularity

25 May 2023, 10:30 - 11:45


The CCRI Coordination and Support Office is organising a webinar on the potential of public procurement to accelerate the circular transition. It will focus on how EU local initiatives and project can local and regional authorities working with procurement, the most promising pathways, and the main challenges.

The webinar will beging at the EU level, first discussing the strategic work that the European Commission is doing, including the Big Buyers Initiative. It will then turn to two selected EU-funded projects (ProCirc and BRINC) to learn from their experience and to explore what they offer to other cities and regions. The circle will then be completed with two inspiring examples from the practitioners on the ground.

This event is the fourth of a series of webinars offered to CCRI Pilots, Fellows, and other interested city/region representatives to encourage the exchange of information around selected circular economy related topics. More information can be found here.

Big Buyers Working Together: Kick off Webinar

25 May 2023, 14:00 - 15:30


The Big Buyers Working Together proejct is organising a kick-off webinar on the 25th of May, 14 – 15h30. The webinar will provide participants with an an explanation of the Needs Assessment process, as well as an overview of the successes of the previous edition and the upcoming activities of the project.

The European Commission launched the “Big Buyers Working Together” project to support collaboration between public buyers with strong purchasing power and promote the wider use of strategic public procurement for innovative and sustainable solutions. By working together and pooling their resources, cities, central purchasing bodies, and other major public buyers can maximise their market power and impact. The project is coordinated by Eurocities, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and BME.

Under the Big Buyers Working Together project ten communities of practice will be created. Each community of practice will be devoted to the purchase of a specific product, work or service where European collaboration is needed. To build the foundation for this collaboration, the project has just launched its Needs Assessment (NA). The NA gives EU public buyers an opportunity to indicate their main areas of public procurement interests, challenges and needs. Over the coming months, the BBWT team will use the feedback from the NA to narrow down the list of topics and to create the new Communities of Practice (CoPs).

Register here for the webinar to find out more about this.


June 2023

CircularPSP: International Open Market Consultation webinar

22 June 2023, 10:00 - 12:00


The EU-funded CircularPSP project is carrying out an Open Market Consultation (OMC) in the form of a series of events, aiming to:

  • inform potential suppliers (industry) about the CircularPSP pre-commercial procurement opportunity;
  • explain in detail the pre-commercial procurement process;
  • open a dialogue with potential suppliers about the scope of procurement envisaged in the project;
  • facilitate matchmaking among potential suppliers in need of support in the forming of consortia;

The first of these events will be a webinar, taking place on 22 June 2023 (10 - 12 CET).


  • Welcome & Introduction;
  • CircularPSP Aim & Scope;
  • Procurement of Innovation and Tender Process;
  • Q&A on project and process;
  • Next steps

The CircularPSP project is looking for a digital platform enabling and empowering entire municipal operations (city) and the local economy (market) to make use of existing information and knowledge of Circular Economy by integrating them into well designed workflows and knowledge nuggets. Suppliers will develop and make use of taxonomies, AI and NLP. Contracts are awarded in three competitive phases. The platforms are tested in by all procurers with the ambition to make the solution known across Europe.

More information about the project can be found here.

To register for the webinar, click here

July 2023

Global Procurement Conference

6 - 7 July 2023


The Global Procurement Conference 2023, taking place in Rome from 6-7 July, aims to raise awareness about the planetary implications of joint decisions regarding what is purchased, how and for whom in the public domain. The eight edition of this event will be organised by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, with support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The Global Procurement Conference is an event where experts from international financial institutions and regulatory bodies, policy-makers, economists, engineers, lawyers, procurers and other relevant stakeholders gather for a much-needed debate concerning issues related to innovation, competitiveness, sustainability and regulation in public procurement worldwide.

The conference will be centred around six topics: Procuring Food, Procuring Consultancy, Competitive Dialogue, Digital Procurement, Gender Aspects in Procurement, and Firms Training in Procurement. Additionally, The University of Rome Tor Vergata will host the Erasmus+ ProcToGo project to share practices and tools to boost the upskilling of procurement professionals.

For more information on the conference, and to register, click here

September 2023

Improving Food Systems and Value Chains

21 September 2023, 09:00 - 14:00

Four EU projects (agroBRIDGES, COCOREADO, COACH and BEATLES) are joining forces to present and discuss concepts, developments and recommendations for improving food systems and value chains in Europe. Among other things, they will also present the Farm to Fork procurement toolkit.

The hybrid event is aimed at all stakeholders in the value chain of food systems, including farmers/producers and their associations, consumers and their associations, clusters, hubs, and other agri-food business support organisations, educational, research and technology organisations, policy makers and public bodies.

Register here. To join online, click here. If you want to attend in person, the event will take place in Brussels at NH Collection Brussels Grand Sablon (Rue Bodenbroek – Bodenbroekstraat 2, 1000 Brussels). 


9:00 – 9:30
Arrival and registration
9:30 – 9:35
Welcome / Introduction
Eirini Efthymiadou (Q-PLAN: Coordinator of the agroBRIDGES project)
9:35 – 10:00
Connecting consumers and producers in short food supply chains: evaluation and
replicability of success factors
Erik Mathijs (KU Leuven: Coordinator of the COCOREADO project)
10.00 – 10:30
Empowering farmers and producers with practical knowledge and support to improve their
market position through short food supply chains
Eirini Efthymiadou (Q-PLAN: Coordinator of the agroBRIDGES project)
10:30 – 11:00
Unleashing the potential of public sector food procurement through short food supply chains
Moya Kneafsey (University of Coventry: Coordinator of the COACH project)
Betina Madsen (City of Copenhagen: Partner of the COACH project consortium) – to be
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee Break
11.30 – 12:00
Co-creating behavioural change towards climate-smart food systems
Serafín Pazos Vidal (European Association for Innovation in Local Development - AEIDL: Partner
of the BEATLES project consortium)
12:00 – 12:40
Policy recommendations for improving food systems and value chains (panel discussion)
Eirini Efthymiadou (Q-PLAN: Coordinator of the agroBRIDGES project) - moderator
Erik Mathijs (KU Leuven: Coordinator of the COCOREADO project)
Peter Defranceschi, Francesca d’Addario (ICLEI: Partner of the COACH project consortium)
Serafín Pazos Vidal (European Association for Innovation in Local Development - AEIDL: Partner
of the BEATLES project consortium)
12.40 – 13.00
Discussion and Wrap-up
Eirini Efthymiadou (Q-PLAN: Coordinator of the agroBRIDGES project)
13:00 – 14:00
Buffet Lunch

For any questions get in touch with Francesca D'Addario ( and/or Angele Tasse (

Final webinar - CityLoops and Bio-waste

26 September 2023, 11:00 - 12:30


CityLoops final webinar on Bio-waste will present in depth the main results from the project's work towards a circular bioeconomy, giving an overview of how the developed instruments and demonstration actions can be replicated in other cities in Europe and beyond.

The webinar will follow the structure of one of the main legacies of the project, the Bio-waste Practitioner Handbook. The handbook provides recommendations for any European local government on how to promote circularity in the bio-waste sector. It aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice by referring to both relevant findings in literature and a selection of case studies from CityLoops as well as from other projects.

Preliminary programme for the webinar

  • 11:00 Introduction: The circular transition of the bio-waste sector and the role of local authorities
  • 11:05 Evaluation: Understanding your city
  • 11:15 Implementation: CE in the bio-waste sector
    - Waste prevention
    - Food redistribution
    - Decentralised treatment
    - Centralised treatment (Separate collection, Pre-treatment method and Main valorization technologies)
  • 11:35 Implementation & acceleration - Enabling and accelerating the transition to a circular bio-waste system
  • 11:50 Q&A with webinar participants
  • 12:20 Closing

The webinar will feature examples and speakers from Apeldoorn (the Netherlands), Mikkeli (Finland), Porto (Portugal) and Seville (Spain).

The webinar can be accessed via the link below. Registration is not needed. Add it to your calendar!

Final webinar and workshop - CDW in CityLoops

CityLoops: Main results for replication in other cities
27 September 2023, 13:00 - 16:00


CityLoops final webinar and workshop on CDW will present in depth the main results from the project's work with Construction and Demolition Waste, giving an overview of how they could be replicated in other cities.

The CityLoops legacy is a Handbook for Circular Construction intended for cities and local governments that are new to the concept, alongside 9 Replication Packages: Planning and decision making, Tendering and procurement, Circular demolition, Circular soil use, Data and material passports, Recycling concrete, Material banks and marketplaces, Stakeholder involvement and Business cases. At the final workshop, we would like to address these Replication Packages, sharing recommendations and lessons learned, demo action experiences and CityLoops instruments.

If you want a sneak peak you can already find the 9 replication packages on the CityLoops website.


Introduction part" - 1 hour - an overview of main CityLoops' outcomes:

13.00 Welcome & agenda, Pernille Kernel from the Capital Region of Denmark
13.05 Main results & Handbook of Circular Construction, Leslie Petitjean from ICLEI
13.30 The 9 Replication Packages, Pernille Kernel from the Capital Region of Denmark
13.40 Focus on business cases for concrete and soil with Høje Taastrup study case, Erika Yates from Høje Taastrup Municipality
14.00 Coffee break

2. "Deep dives into experiences and instruments" – 1h45min

14:15 Planning and decision making, Thomas Budde or Martin Visby Buchard from Roskilde University (20 min) and Kimmo Haapea from Miksei Mikkeli (10 min)
14:50 Circular procurement and the Procurement Handbook, Sanne van Asselt and Jan Jaap Blüm from Alba Concepts (20 min) and Christian Jurado Meza from Bodø Municipality (10 min)
15:25 Recycling of soil and concrete incl business case and risk management, Klaus Kellerman, Roskilde Municipality
15:50 Final reflections and goodbye, Pernille Kernel, Capital Region of Denmark

Participants are very welcome to attend both parts, but the first part is especially relevant for those want to have a better understanding of how CityLoops results can be implemented beyond the project scope, both practically in other cities throughout Europe and politically in sustainability strategies.

The webinar can be accessed via the link below. Registration is not needed. Add it to your calendar!