SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 91 - 99 from 1211 )

Procurement of low-carbon residential buildingsusing life-cycle assessment criteria in City of Helsinki (Finland)
EC GPP Case Study: The City government is striving to finds ways to mitigate the effects of climate change through public procurement. In this context, Helsinki has (since 2019) been selecting several pilot projects where the carbon footprint is measured and sustainable procurement criteria are included. The City is working towards improving existing and developing new procurement criteria that consider life-cycle impacts of the product/service, circular economy and climate challenges.
This low carbon building construction project – called the Asetelmakatu DB project - represents one of the pilot procurements connected to the EU Life funded Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities and Regions (CANEMURE) project.
Buildings and construction
General GPP/SPP, Life-cycle costing
European Commission
Strategy for the Impulse and Consolidation of the Innovation Procurement in the Public Administration of Andalusia
The Strategy for the Impulse and Consolidation of the Innovation Procurement in the Public Administration of Andalusia is a combination of economic measures and other actions such as awareness, training and the creation of a structure of governance and support of free services, that seek to generate a change towards an administration of innovation, which transmits its long-term needs that requires companies to innovate, promoting research and business innovation through the innovation procurement.
Innovation procurement (PPI)
Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento. Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades
Open and sustainable procurement - towards deepened collaboration between reformers
This discussion paper is a step towards addressing the link between open and sustainable procurement by sketching the state of play in both fields and exploring paths towards a deepened collaboration between open and sustainable procurement advocates and practitioners - as a key priority to advance the SDGs and for a transformative recovery from Covid-19. The paper draws on a number of key informant interviews conducted with practitioners and experts from the open contracting and the sustainable procurement fields. bu
General GPP/SPP
How to engage the market - A step by step guide for dialogue events
This dialogue-based, strategic approach looks beyond the tendering phase to develop relationships with the market before and after tendering. One common format is hosting a dialogue event. However, organising such an event is not as straightforward. This guide aims to support public authorities in this regard by providing a set of practical steps on how to plan a market dialogue event, online or in-person.
Market Engagement
ICLEI European Secretariat
URBAN AGENDA PARTNERSHIP ON INNOVATIVE AND RESPONSIBLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT FOR THE EU - The legal framework of responsible and innovation procurement: Put into practice
The purpose of this guide is to explore the practical application of the legal framework that public authorities can use to contribute to innovation and responsibility in procuring public services.
General GPP/SPP, Innovation procurement (PPI)
Urban Agenda for the EU
The strategic use of public procurement for innovation in the digital economy
This final report from the European Commission includes EU wide benchmarking of national policy frameworks and investments on innovation procurement across Europe.
Innovation procurement (PPI)
European Commission
Swiss Knowledge Platform Sustainable Public Procurement
Here you will find information and tools on sustainable public procurement. The technical, scientific and legal content is provided and used by procurement agencies and professionals from all federal levels.
General GPP/SPP
Procurement across the Food Value Chain
As major procurers of food and catering services, public authorities can play a strong role in supporting sustainable production and distribution practices in the sector. By carefully integrating the impact of the food they purchase into procurement decisions, public authorities can significantly contribute to supporting environmental improvements in the sector whilst providing a nutritious diet to beneficiaries and supporting targeted producers. However, there is a lack of overview to which extend procurement can have a sustainable influence at which stage of the food value chain. ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability embarks on a new project as part of the UN One Planet Network SPP Programme. The main objective of the project is to provide an overview of procurement along the food value chain and understand how it addresses key hotspots towards shaping the sustainability of food production and consumption.
The ambition is to develop a set of recommendation and case studies written for procurers as well as policy-makers from across the globe, featuring an array of approaches from actors procuring food along the food value chain. In addition, findings and lessons learned will be consolidated in a set of recommendations.
Food and catering
General GPP/SPP
Public procurement of innovation
Publication on Public procurement of innovation in Poland in the light of new public procurement law including experiences in acquiring innovations, best practices and more.
General GPP/SPP, Innovation procurement (PPI)
Public Procurement Office Warsaw