Report on criteria for sustainable investments in the cities of Chişinău and Sevastopol.
The report has been compiled as part of the project “Increasing energy efficiency of Chişinău and Sevastopol municipalities based on existing positive experience” Europe Aid project “Chisinau”. It aims to give the necessary background information on sustainability criteria with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency to allow for sustainable investments in the cities of Sevastopol (Ukraine) and Chisinau (Moldova) and to later prepare feasibility studies for the planned investments.
The report describes the sustainability criteria from the perspective of public
procurement and focuses on thermal insulation of residential buildings, effective
street lighting and indicative measures to improve transport circulation.
Europe/EU, Moldova, Ukraine
Transport and vehicles, Energy, Buildings and construction, Lighting
Finnish sustainability rating system for data centers
TIKO sustainability rating system is a tool for designing, building, equipping, operating
and managing data centers in an environmentally, socially and financially sustainable
way. The TIKO-rating covers the data center as an entirety, assessing the building, the
IT and the operations as a whole acting as a check-list of sustainability issues that should
be taken into consideration.
Energy-efficient street lighting - A Guide for Municipalities
Dieser LED-Leitfaden soll Kommunen bei Fragen zur Ausschreibung bei der Sanierung der Straßenbeleuchtung mittels LED-Technologie praxisbezogen unterstützen. Er gibt einen Überblick über die Punkte, die spezifisch bei der Umrüstung der Straßenbeleuchtung auf LED beachtet werden sollten. Es wird kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit erhoben. Der Leitfaden ergänzt verfügbare Informationen und Angebote und führt diese zusammen.
How large energy consumers can power the Energy Transition
This study provides insight into the expected changes in the supply of and demand for Dutch renewable power. It explains how shifting demand can result in new procurement channels, and can contribute to better business models for the growth of renewable power in the Netherlands.
Low Carbon Service Contracts - How to address energy efficiency and CO2 reduction in Service Contracts
This brochure on how to promote a CO2 reduction in service procurement collects ideas emerged during the project and the results of the project webinars on services and shows some of the good practice examples and new ideas from across Europe.
Green Public Procurement in Sustainable Energy Action Plans
These guidelines aim to support municipalities and local governments planning a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) to incorporate in sustainable public procurement when developing their plans as well as support them during implementation and especially when executing measures.