Procurement guidance for energy efficient server room and data centre equipment
This document provides purchasing recommendations for public authorities in the European Union for the replacement and renewal of server room/data centre equipment – namely: servers, storage devices, network equipment (network access
equipment, gateways, switches and routers), cooling equipment and monitoring equipment.
Harnessing the Power of Public-Private Partnerships
A study from the IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development) exploring the to what extent and how public-private partnerships (PPPs) are used in different regions of the world, and whether they can effectively contribute to sustainable development. The report includes several international case studies.
General GPP/SPP
IISD (International Institute of Sustainable Development)
The National Action Plan outlines GPP targets for the period covers, and includes the development of minimum GPP criteria, which were published in 2011.
This document contains guidance on how to avoid errors frequently seen in public procurement for projects
co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds. It is intended to facilitate the implementation
of operational programmes and to encourage good practice.
Procura+ Award winner: sustainable office supplies in Flanders
In a tender for a new office supplies framework agreement, th Government of Flanders asked for at least 50% of products to be made from recycled or renewable materials and to be sustainably sourced and produced. Orders are made on a website using a smart delivery system that includes low CO2 emission transport, and using contract performance clauses, constant improvement and behaviour change has been built into the delivery of the framework.
Gender-sensitive procurement used by international aid entities
Gender-sensitive procurement is one important way to advance gender equality and women’s rights in local, national, and international economies, as noted by the UN High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. However, few international entities working in international development, humanitarian aid, or similar sectors, are systematically implementing gender-sensitive procurement (GSP) in their own operations, a rapid survey of 40 such multilateral, bilateral, and non-profit organisations conducted for this report shows.
EU GPP case study: Greener IT Equipment in Gizpuzkoa (Spain)
In 2008, a public tendering process for a three-year framework contract for the supply of office information technology (IT) equipment for Gipuzkoa’s Provincial Council and other autonomous or public bodies based in the province took place.
ICT (information and communication techn.)
Ecolabels, Energy efficiency
European Commission - Directorate General Environment