This case study focuses on the adoption of Minimal Environmental Criteria developed by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and for Protection of the Land and Sea for the acquisition of copy paper
APEC Cooperation Network on Green Supply Chain is an evolving cooperation mechanism which aims to coordinate the efforts towards a Green Supply Chain and to develop tools to promote green trade and investment, while also contributing to the realization of Green Supply Chains in the Asia-Pacific region.
Green Public Procurement Guide for wallpaper and ingrain wallpaper
Der Leitfaden selbst enthält die für öffentliche Auftraggeber wesentlichen Informationen und Empfehlungen für die Einbeziehung von Umweltaspekten in die Vergabe- und Vertragsunterlagen. Der separat unter veröffentlichte Kriterienkatalog für die umweltfreundliche Beschaffung von Tapeten und Raufaser ist als Anlage zum Leistungsverzeichnis gedacht. Damit genügt hinsichtlich der Umweltanforderungen an den Auftragsgegenstand ein Verweis im Leistungsverzeichnis, um der vergaberechtlichen Vorgabe Rechnung zu tragen, die Leistung eindeutig und erschöpfend zu beschreiben.
Food and catering, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Energy, Cleaning, Buildings and construction, Office stationery, Furniture
EU GPP case study: Bulgarian Agency greens its project management
The Bulgarian Agency for Social Assistance has been piloting a more sustainable approach to managing projects. In 2011, it awarded a number of contracts which applied GPP criteria for the supply of printed material, paper and office supplies, as well as logistics in organising and conducting seminars. The criteria included requirements on the use of recycled plastics and paper and the provision of organic food and drink products during meetings. With good results emerging from the pilot, the ASA is making a broader commitment to implement GPP in its activities. It is also acting as an ambassador for other agencies and departments wishing to apply similar practices. The result is helping to achieve the targets set out in Bulgaria’s National Action Plan for 2012-2014.
Food and catering, Office stationery, Events
European Commission - Directorate General Environment
ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Energy, Cleaning, Buildings and construction, Office stationery, Green spaces, Events, Furniture