SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 46 - 54 from 68 )

Government Action Plan for the support of tropical forests
All public purchasing of tropical wood must come from legal origin and sustainably managed forests. For paper products (graphic paper and copy paper), for instance, it is recommended to incorporate in the technical specifications at least the criteria equivalent to the EU-Ecolabel or to an international certification for the sustainable management of the forests or for recycled paper.
Timber and forestry
Strategic Programme for the Forest Sector Finnish National Public Procurement Policy for Wood-Based Products 17 June 2010
Whole life cycle of products and the benefits of wood with respect to sustainable development are to be taken into consideration in the guidelines for public procurement. Priority has to be the use of products made from renewable natural resources on environmental and climate protection grounds.
Timber and forestry
Ministry of Employment and the Economy (Finland)
Durham City Council: sustainable timber procurement policy
United Kingdom
Timber and forestry
Durham City Council
Green Tenders - An Action Plan on Green Public Procurement
The Programme for Government 20111 envisages public procurement as a tool to support innovative Irish firms. In the health and education sectors, the Programme specifically commits to achieving greater value for money
in public procurement, for example through greater efficiencies in the construction of facilities and through pooling back-office functions such as ICT procurement. In accordance with these commitments and with the
Government’s wider sustainable development objectives, the Irish public sector needs to play an exemplary role in green public procurement (GPP) throughout its spending profile. This Action Plan on GPP – Green Tenders – aims to make that vision a reality.
English, Irish
General GPP/SPP, Innovation procurement (PPI)
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (Ireland)
What feeds us: Vancouver Food Strategy
The City of Vancouver has been working to support a just and sustainable food system since 2003 in partnership with the Vancouver Food Policy Council and countless community organizations. The City’s commitment to creating a just and
sustainable food system builds on food systems initiatives and grassroots community development that dates back decades in our city and province.
Food and catering
City of Vancouver
Energy-efficient Public Procurement:Best Practice in Program Delivery
This guide was developed with support from the SEAD Procurement Working Group and aims to assist all countries in the development and improvement of energy-efficient public procurement programs.
ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Buildings and construction, Lighting
General GPP/SPP, Energy efficiency
Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative
Bavarian Procurement Handbook for the construction sector
The German state Bavaria published this handbook for construction procurement which includes several parts on sustainable timber. The handbook is compulsory for all state-level procurement and recommended for municipal procurement.
Timber and forestry , Buildings and construction
Joint instruction on the procurement of wood products
The Federal Government supports the certification of sustainably managed forests and will use only wood from certified stands in its procurement measures.
In addition to the above-mentioned awarding and contracting codes, the following must be complied with when procuring wood products.
Timber and forestry
Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV)
The use of responsible timber in paper in Flanders
Timber and forestry , Office stationery
FSC Belgium