SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 10 - 18 from 22 )

Procurement guidance for energy efficient server room and data centre equipment
This document provides purchasing recommendations for public authorities in the European Union for the replacement and renewal of server room/data centre equipment – namely: servers, storage devices, network equipment (network access
equipment, gateways, switches and routers), cooling equipment and monitoring equipment.
English, German
ICT (information and communication techn.)
General GPP/SPP, Energy efficiency
PrimeEnergyIT Project consortium,
Good practice in socially responsible public procurement - approaches to verification from across Europe
In each chapter, the LANDMARK report on good practices presents
detailed verification and monitoring systems, after having briefly explained the overall approach of the municipality. Each case study has its conclusions and recommendations, although the objective is that each one draws their own conclusions and know which tools can adapt better to the organization for which you work.
Food and catering, Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Buildings and construction
Social responsibility
The LANDMARK Project
Electronics Watch
Electronics Watch is an independent monitoring organization working to achieve respect for labour rights in the global electronics industry through socially responsible public purchasing in Europe.
English, Catalan, Dutch, German, Polish, Spanish
Europe/EU, International
ICT (information and communication techn.), Lighting, Medical equipment
Social responsibility
Reference tool on Supply Chain Social Performance Management Systems
The GSCP Reference tool on supply chain Social Performance Management Systems (SPMS) has been developed by and for buying organisations (retailers and manufacturers) to support them in monitoring and improving social compliance
performance in the whole supply chain.
The Reference tool is based on best existing practices, common approaches and shared standards, and is designed to reflect and be aligned with relevant international standards and in particular with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It can be used either to provide a general framework for an organisation wishing to create a SPMS, or as a benchmark for an organisation seeking to improve or develop an established SPMS.
Social responsibility
Global Social Compliance Programme
Flanders SPP Monitoring Report 2015
A report by the Flanders Government on their SPP activities for the period 1/01/2015 – 31/12/2015. This includes statistics on the amount of SPP being carried out, expenditure levels and product areas covered.
Flanders Government, Environment Nature and Energy Department
Low carbon business travel services in Italy
National framework contract tendered by Consip. It incorporates CO2 monitoring, optimising travel distance, suggested ecolabelled hotels, low emission hire cars,and environmentally friendly catering services
GPP 2020
Monitoring sustainable catering services in Turin
Turin's latest school catering contract contained a wide range of sustainability criteria including energy efficient appliances, the use of mains tap water, low environmental impact transport and a significant reduction in packaging and waste.
Food and catering
European Commission, DG Environment
Preliminary results on the level of GPP in the Spanish Central Government
In order to monitor progress on the level of implementation of the GPP Action Plan of the Spanish Central Government and its autonomous bodies, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment hired the monitoring of the GPP Action Plan.
Last 4th of November, the Council of Ministries approved the Agreement that notes the first report on the level of GPP, that summarizes the preliminary results gathered from 49 organisations through a questionnaire.
General GPP/SPP
Spanish Environment Ministry
EU GPP case study: Innovative Smart Energy and Intelligent Mobility Solutions
In September 2010, a cross-border project was launched to promote the procurement of innovation in Italy and France. Partners in the Alcotra Innovation project identified a common need for new approaches to i) smart energy systems and ii) intelligent mobility. Issues surrounding the intermittency of renewable energy sources and non-simultaneous energy generation and consumption were chosen as target areas for innovative solutions within smart energy systems. A parallel objective was to tackle issues related to traffic. Specific aims included finding intelligent ways of monitoring poor road conditions and facilitating sustainable travel. The Pre-Commercial Public Procurement which sought to meet these objectives stipulated the use of the Living Labs method, meaning that prototypes must be tested in real life scenarios by end users on their own premises. In June 2012, the contract was awarded to 2 economic operators to explore smart energy solutions, along with 3 consortia to work on the area of intelligent mobility.
France, Italy
Transport and vehicles, Energy
European Commission - Directorate General Environment