SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 55 - 63 from 106 )

Buying sustainable timber: A guide for public purchasers in Europe
Desarrollada en el marco de este proyecto, específicamente dirigida a los responsables de compra pública, esta guía facilitará a las administraciones la labor de garantizar que los productos forestales que adquieren han sido producidos de un modo sostenible.

La guía contiene un modelo estándar, con textos que pueden incluirse directamente en los documentos de licitación y contrato, en sus especificaciones técnicas o en los criterios de selección de los licitadores, ofreciendo además asistencia para la implantación progresiva de políticas de compra sostenible de estos productos.
Europe/EU, Spain
Timber and forestry
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project (2012)
Buying sustainable timber: A guide for public purchasers in Europe
This guide has been produced by the Sustainable Timber Action in Europe
project. It is designed to help European public authorities make sure the
timber products they buy are sustainable by offering guidance and a straightforward procurement model.
Europe/EU, Romania
Timber and forestry
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project (2012)
Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy
The goal of the City of Vancouver’s Ethical Purchasing Policy (EPP) is to ensure that all suppliers to the City meet, at a minimum, the performance standards outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes core labour conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
City of Vancouver
Gender-sensitive procurement used by international aid entities
Gender-sensitive procurement is one important way to advance gender equality and women’s rights in local, national, and international economies, as noted by the UN High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. However, few international entities working in international development, humanitarian aid, or similar sectors, are systematically implementing gender-sensitive procurement (GSP) in their own operations, a rapid survey of 40 such multilateral, bilateral, and non-profit organisations conducted for this report shows.
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Success stories in socially responsible public procurement
The report contains a series of success stories on how public authorities have put socially responsible procurement into practice and raise awareness about global supply chain issues in numerous product lines.
Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Cleaning, Furniture
Fair trade, Social responsibility
LANDMARK Consortium, c/o ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Access by work integration social enterprises to public procurement in Europe
The diversity of experiences presented in this publication demonstrate that more attention has been given to the social impact of public procurement in recent years, even if there is more to be done.
This publication aims to highlight these particular experiences as well as
French practices, in order to make comparisons, challenge and inspire
European initiatives that support WISEs’ access to public procurement opportunities.
SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises), Social responsibility
Synthesis: Who has the power? Review the rules of the game for more equity in agricultural value chains
A study of models of power concentration in supply chains, unfair trade practices and their consequences for the sustainable development of Southern countries.
Food and catering
Fair trade, Social responsibility
BASIC/Fair Trade Advocacy Office
French Government guide on Fair Trade public procurement
The objective of the guide is to provide public procurers with legal tools and useful examples in the implementation of responsible and ethical public procurement. The guide has been issued by the Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs with the support of French Fair Trade actors such as Max Havelaar, Artisans du Monde and Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Équitable.
Europe/EU, France
Food and catering, Textiles, Timber and forestry , Green spaces, Furniture
Fair trade, Social responsibility
Better Eating, Better Learning: A New Context for School Food
This document sets the agenda for Scotland for the coming decade to help drive further improvements to school food and children and young people’s learning about food and its contribution to their overall health and wellbeing.
United Kingdom
Food and catering
Fair trade, Social responsibility
The Scottish Government