SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 91 - 99 from 203 )

How Green Public Procurement Contributes to Sustainable Development in China
Building on the results of the IISD GPP Model, consultations with stakeholders and an extensive literature review, this paper provides targeted recommendations addressing the development areas identified to improve GPP in China. The recommendations follow a multiphase approach offering more immediate solutions as well as more ambitious, larger-scale overhauls of the GPP framework for the long term.
General GPP/SPP
International Institute for Sustainable Development
Carbon Footprint Calculators for Public Procurement
Report from the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) on the use of carbon footprinting in procurement. The report tool place within the EU-Life+ funded JULIA 2030 project in the Helsinki region, which developed 6 product specific carbon footprint calculators for use in procurement
English, Finnish
Europe/EU, International, Finland
General GPP/SPP
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Municipal procurement in transition - large German municipalities on their way to sustainable procurement?
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht zum ersten Mal bei den größten deutschen Städten und Landkreisen, wie deren Beschaffungswesen derzeit aufgestellt ist und inwiefern das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Bereich bereits heute in die Leistungsanforderung und in die Entscheidungen einfließt. Die Antworten
der teilnehmenden Kommunen liefern folgende zentrale Ergebnisse.
General GPP/SPP
Institut für den öffentlichen Sektor e.V.
Harnessing the Power of Public-Private Partnerships
A study from the IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development) exploring the to what extent and how public-private partnerships (PPPs) are used in different regions of the world, and whether they can effectively contribute to sustainable development. The report includes several international case studies.
General GPP/SPP
IISD (International Institute of Sustainable Development)
Gender-sensitive procurement used by international aid entities
Gender-sensitive procurement is one important way to advance gender equality and women’s rights in local, national, and international economies, as noted by the UN High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment. However, few international entities working in international development, humanitarian aid, or similar sectors, are systematically implementing gender-sensitive procurement (GSP) in their own operations, a rapid survey of 40 such multilateral, bilateral, and non-profit organisations conducted for this report shows.
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Report on criteria for sustainable investments in the cities of Chişinău and Sevastopol.
The report has been compiled as part of the project “Increasing energy efficiency of Chişinău and Sevastopol municipalities based on existing positive experience” Europe Aid project “Chisinau”. It aims to give the necessary background information on sustainability criteria with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency to allow for sustainable investments in the cities of Sevastopol (Ukraine) and Chisinau (Moldova) and to later prepare feasibility studies for the planned investments.
The report describes the sustainability criteria from the perspective of public
procurement and focuses on thermal insulation of residential buildings, effective
street lighting and indicative measures to improve transport circulation.
Europe/EU, Moldova, Ukraine
Transport and vehicles, Energy, Buildings and construction, Lighting
Energy efficiency
How large energy consumers can power the Energy Transition
This study provides insight into the expected changes in the supply of and demand for Dutch renewable power. It explains how shifting demand can result in new procurement channels, and can contribute to better business models for the growth of renewable power in the Netherlands.
Energy efficiency
Accenture and Climex
Final report on the case study "Energy Efficient model office"
A study into the influence on energy use of switching from conventional desktop PCs to energy efficient notebooks.
ICT (information and communication techn.)
General GPP/SPP, Energy efficiency
Multiple benefits of investing in energy efficient renovation of buildings
Harvesting renovation opportunities could bring huge benefits to the EU economy over the coming decades. Based on available estimates of the potential for energy savings from renovation of buildings, this study suggests a monetised permanent annual benefit to society of €104-175 billion in 2020 depending on the level of investments made from 2012 to 2020.
Energy, Buildings and construction
Energy efficiency
Copenhagen Economics