
25 January 2012

New and revised GPP criteria published

New EU GPP criteria for indoor lighting have just been published by the European Commission. The criteria address key environmental impacts such as, energy consumption, use of hazardous materials, packaging and use of resources in production.

Updated criteria have also been published for office IT equipment, transport, electricity, cleaning products and services, textiles, gardening products and services, hard floor-coverings and street lighting and traffic signals. Further updates for another six product groups are expected soon. Criteria are in development for taps and showerheads, toilets, heating systems, office buildings, imaging equipment and medical devices. For some groups, there is still an opportunity to contribute views.

Since 2008, the EU GPP criteria have been developed under a multi-stakeholder process based on scientific research into the life-cycle of each product and service covered and input from public authorities, industry and others. The criteria are developed in both core and comprehensive versions, allowing procurers to choose the level of environmental ambition which best meets their needs. Criteria currently exist for 19 groups.

For more information, click here.