In 2023 a Dutch Buyers Group, made possible by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, developed a guide to provide assistance and support to contracting authorities when preparing calls for tenders for photovoltaic (PV) projects. The guide, translated in English, was discussed in the latest meeting of the Community of Practice (CoP) on Sustainable Solar PV, as one of the starting points of its work.
The CoP, working within the context of the Big Buyers Working Together (BBWT) project gathers public buyers from around Europe to accelerate the adoption of Sustainable Solar PV technology. The guide can offer valuable support, as it seeks to highlight how PV projects could be implemented with better financial conditions, a longer working life, and better sustainability.
The participants of the CoP see the guide as a document that could be useful to help the implementation of pilot projects. These could be easier if they exchange knowledge and experiences with Dutch buyers who have started to apply the guidelines developed by the Dutch Buyer Group.
The guide can be found online here. More information on the Community of Practice on Sustainable Solar PV can be found on the European Commission’s Public Buyers Community. Participants interested in joining the CoP are encouraged report their interest in the work of the Community by sending an email to Big Buyers Working Together Secretariat, at