Environmental spending analysis - description of a method for integrating climate impact in general purchasing analyzes
This swedish report describes a pilot study carried out at three administrations in the city of Gothenburg. It has to the highest degree been a development work of purchasing analyzes within parts of a practical municipal environmental work.
Sustainable Public Procurement. Social and environmental aspects in the procurement procedure in the light of the amendment to the Public Procurement Law
This polish publication discusses the various legal instruments available to procuring entities that enable the award of a social or green public procurement.
Examples of social and environmental criteria for evaluating bids in public procurement
This polish guidance showcases examples of non-price criteria for evaluation of offers concerning social aspects. Determining the method of selecting the most advantageous offer, i.e. what evaluation criteria will be applied and how the contracting authority will apply these criteria, what elements of the offer will be taken into account in this evaluation, what weights will be assigned to individual criteria and what mathematical formula for converting into points will be applied, and how, on the basis of this evaluation, the most advantageous offer will be selected.
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in ICT Procurement: Discovery Report
The UK’s Government Digital Service, as part of its Global Digital Marketplace programme, was looking to understand how gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in information, communication, and technology public procurement can be integrated into GDMP delivery. This project examines the existing procurement global best practice. It then offers recommendations for incorporating and mainstreaming GESI into ICT procurement practices.
Innovation partnership with a focus on Care / Welfare
The Market Maturation Fund, in collaboration with Albertslund Municipality, Esbjerg Municipality and Frederikssund Municipality, as well as the Danish Competition & Consumer Authority, is testing the new form of tender "Innovation Partnerships" with a focus on Care / Welfare.
Background: In connection with the new Public Procurement Act, a completely new form of public procurement called "Innovation Partnerships" was opened up. The innovation partnership gives public parties the opportunity to create innovation and solve problems in a new and more efficient way in collaboration with private suppliers, while the public party has an option to buy the solution afterwards.
In this development project, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration draws attention to tunnel safety. They challenge the market for solutions that make it possible to detect incidents, provide information about what is happening and help with self-rescue. The development project is one of four innovation partnerships that received funding from Innovation Norway in 2017. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration receives project support in the implementation from Innovation Norway, Difi and the National Program for Supplier Development
Innovative patient process (digital home follow-up)
In the project called "Innovative patient process", Østfold Hospital has joined forces with Innovation Norway, Difi and the Supplier Development Program to invite private providers to enter into innovation partnerships, to develop future-oriented solutions and services that enable safe and good home follow-up for cancer patients.
Renovating Amsterdam’s historic quay walls using innovation procurement
GPP interview with Tim van de Laar on innovation in the construction industry and the specific challenge the City of Amsterdam is encountering in terms of quay walls.