
19 December 2017

Report on how procurement can drive circular economy published

The importance of circular procurement in the transition to a circular economy has been highlighted in a report by the Life+ project REBus entitled Harnessing Procurement to Deliver Circular Economy Benefits. The report highlights recommendations for initiating circular procurement, including how Green Deals on Circular Procurement in the Netherlands and Belgium provide useful frameworks for scaling up from pilots and encouraging the development of circular products. Collaboration with markets and suppliers, and capacity building, knowledge sharing and training are also identified as ways to achieve a circular economy.

The REBus project has published 10 case studies from organisations in the Netherlands showcasing pilots for circular procurement that have transformed their purchasing strategies to profitable, resilient and more resource efficient business models (REBMs).

The project also conducts pilot actions in the UK which have indicated that an increase in REBMs could offer the potential to create up to 3 million jobs in Europe, generate up to €324 billion in additional GVA, reduce raw material demand and greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, visit the REBus website.