
3 February 2021

OECD launches new module for SPP assessment

The OECD developed an additional module for the “methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems” (MAPS). Overall, this tool helps to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public procurement and the integrity and transparency in the use of public funds. It identifies strengths and weaknesses in the current system and provides an analytical basis for concrete, targeted reforms.

It is a key supporting tool to implement modern, sustainable and more inclusive public procurement systems, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Within the core assessment a MAPS SPP module has been created as means to specially analyse  performance of sustainable public procurement in a country. 

The assessment of sustainable public procurement is heavily dependent on information provided by a MAPS core assessment. Therefore, a comprehensive MAPS assessment is generally recommended before the SPP tool is applied.

The MAPS methodology is open and can be used by anyone, both as a self-assessment or with the help of external partners.

The new tool is available here.

More information on the purpose and use of the methodology and of the SPP Module in particular  is provided in this document.

The OECD, in collaboration with ICLEI has launched a new project to support selected cities/regions in using public procurement as a strategic tool to achieve their policy objectives and priorities. Click here if you are interested in learning more.