EVENTS SEARCH RESULTS ( 1 - 10 from 12 )

October 2022

Organiser son sourcing (online)

Cycle de webinaires sur les marchés publics en restauration collective en Bretagne
5 October 2022, 14:30 - 15:00

Le RESECO, en partenariat avec l'ADEME Bretagne, la Région Bretagne, le réseau d'Initiative Bio de Bretagne, la DRAAF Bretagne et la Fédération Régionale des Agrobiologistes de Bretagne, vous propose un cycle de webinaires sur les marchés publics en restauration collective.

Venez prendre 30 min chaque semaine, à partir du Lundi 19 septembre et pour 5 semaines, pour prendre connaissances des aspects méthodologiques et réglementaires associés à la commande publique en restauration collective.

Public visé : rédacteurs de marchés publics, responsable et personnel de cuisine.

Ce cycle sera suivi d’ateliers d’échanges en présentiels pour approfondir la thématique dans chaque territoire de Bretagne (Novembre 2022).

Inscription gratuite.

Climate Change: Procure Greener

6 October 2022, 09:30 - 12:30

A 3-hour webinar workshop for European public buyers, suppliers and policy makers.

This 3-hour workshop will focus on Innovation Procurement to tackle climate change challenges.

  • How to procure greener?
  • How will the new EU legislation impact your procurement?
  • How to implement a procurement strategy for sustainability and innovation?
  • What criteria can you use to reduce environmental impact?

These and other questions will be addressed by experts in the field. In addition, examples of successful initiatives and projects will be showcased. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions before and during the webinar.

You can register here.

GPP Helpdesk Webinar: Public Procurement of Nature-Based Solutions

6 October 2022, 11:00 - 12:15


The third European Commission’s Helpdesk service on GPP webinar of 2022 will address the public procurement of Nature-Based Solutions.

While cities offer evident benefits that continue to attract people, rapid urbanisation can drive significant conflicts between natural and urban environments. Challenges associated with those conflicts, such as human health issues, degradation of natural capital and ecosystem services, and vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters, all threaten the sustainability of our urban lifestyles.

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are defined as “solutions that are inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience. Such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions.” These actions are conservation, restoration and improved land management.

Many public authorities report difficulties in using public procurement addressing NBS projects. This webinar aims to address this issue by providing public procurers with a better understanding of the topic and inspire them to take the first step towards this journey.


  • Welcome and Introduction from the EU GPP Helpdesk Ivan Azevedo de Jesus, DG Environment, European Commission
  • Public Procurement of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) - Daniela Rizzi and Philipp Tepper, ICLEI
  • Learning from Public Procurement of NBS good practices:
    - How to make public procurement work for greening your city - Gitty Korsuize, City of Utrecht, Netherlands
    - Adjusting tender requirements to match suppliers’ capabilities - Malgorzata Bartyna-Zielińska, Wroclaw, Poland 
    - Torino - Public Procurement in Italy - Alessandra Aires, Turin, Italy

The workshop will be facilitated by Philipp Tepper, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

Registration to attend is essential and free of charge. Register here

Marché en gré à gré : contrainte ou opportunité? (online)

Cycle de webinaires sur les marchés publics en restauration collective en Bretagne
10 October 2022, 14:30 - 15:00

Le RESECO, en partenariat avec l'ADEME Bretagne, la Région Bretagne, le réseau d'Initiative Bio de Bretagne, la DRAAF Bretagne et la Fédération Régionale des Agrobiologistes de Bretagne, vous propose un cycle de webinaires sur les marchés publics en restauration collective.

Venez prendre 30 min chaque semaine, à partir du Lundi 19 septembre et pour 5 semaines, pour prendre connaissances des aspects méthodologiques et réglementaires associés à la commande publique en restauration collective.

Public visé : rédacteurs de marchés publics, responsable et personnel de cuisine.

Ce cycle sera suivi d’ateliers d’échanges en présentiels pour approfondir la thématique dans chaque territoire de Bretagne (Novembre 2022).

Inscription gratuite.

TED: innovating EU public procurement

11 October 2022, 11:00 - 12:00

The Publications Office of the European Union will be partner to the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 (#EURegionsWeek), scheduled for 10 to 13 0ctober 2022.

The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy, organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the European Committee of the Regions. This unique communication and networking platform brings together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics.

As part of the event, they would like to invite you to participate in the virtual info session ʻTED: innovating EU public procurementʼ.

TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) helps public authorities reach out to businesses across the EU, and for European enterprises it provides access to over 670 000 public procurement notices per year. It also provides professional opportunities for researchers. Join the session to master the functions of TED and get familiar with the latest innovations, including procurement forms (eForms) for easy access to markets abroad and the Public Procurement Data Space.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – from 11 AM to 12 PM (Europe/Brussels time)

Priority registration is now open and will remain available until 30 August. Book your place now!

How to register?

Access the EU Week of Regions 2022 platform, click on the button ʻJOIN THE EVENTʼ and create your profile. Once your profile is created, you can see all the content and easy-to-use features.

As a registered participant, you will be able to:

  • get in touch with other participants and schedule one-to-one meetings!
  • browse the programme and start building your personal agenda!

For detailed information on how to register and benefit from all the opportunities offered by the EU Week of Regions 2022, read this short user guide.

How to attend the TED info session:

The session, TED: innovating EU public procurement, will take place online. After registration, you can add the session to your schedule and export it to your calendar. The connection details of the session will become available on the session page at the beginning of October.  We are looking forward to your participation.

See you at the EU Regions Week!

Procura+ Seminar

Connect-Exchange-Act on sustainable and innovation procurement
12 - 13 October 2022, 08:30 - 16:30
Brussels, Belgium

The 2022 Procura+ Seminar is poised to provide procurement leaders with updates on latest European developments in sustainable, strategic, circular and innovation procurement. As always, this cutting-edge event provides practical support and exchange opportunities for all Procura+ network participants, strategic partners, and experts in the field.

This year's seminar is organised by ICLEI Europe, hosted by the Municipality of Schaerbeek in Brussels (Belgium), and carried-out in collaboration with the COACH project (in which ICLEI is a partner). It is an in-person event, open to the Procura+ network members, and to select others (by invitation).

At the core of the 2022 Procura+ Seminar will be Farm to Fork procurement and discussions on collaborative agri-food initiatives anchored in territorial food systems. The seminar will furthermore provide room to connect, exchange, and act on other topics relevant to implementing public procurement. The agenda is driven by Procura+ network participants and is based on their needs.

A highlight of this year's event will be the Procura+ Awards ceremony, at which this year’s winners of Circular Procurement of the Year, Innovation Procurement of the Year, Procurement Initiative of the Year, and Sustainable Procurement of the Year will be announced!

Additional highlights of the seminar include presentations of:

  • Strategic procurement policy developments at the EU level;
  • Schaerbeek’s procurement strategy in times of green recovery and just transition:
  • Inspirational stories from last year’s Procura+ Award winners: and
  • Using strategic public procurement for sustainable food solutions.

Participants will be invited to take part in six "building sessions" covering the topics:

  • How to make public procurement-driven circular economy initiatives more attractive for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Global crises and impacts on sustainability: how can sustainable public procurement help?
  • Climate change mitigation and sustainable public procurement: embedding measurements and verification
  • Structural challenges in public rocurement
  • Public canteens as change makers
  • How to effectively address small farmers: the COACH project’s ambition towards a renewed Farm to Fork strategy

The organisers of the seminar are excited to welcome public procurement professionals from all over Europe in Schaerbeek.

AI4Cities @ World Summit AI 12-13 October

12 - 13 October 2022, 09:00 - 17:00
Amsterdam Noord
Taets Art and Event Park

AI4Cities is proud to be a partner of the World Summit AI in Amsterdam from 12- 13 October. We heartily invite you to visit us at stand A30!

The World Summit AI gathers the global ecosystem of AI-related startups, entrepreneurs, researchers, investors to discuss the latest AI developments, issues and challenges. The Ai4Cities project is excited to showcase the results of its three years work at this stage. Join us for an introduction of the project, discussions on how AI soluttions can be applied in public-private partnerships, reflections on the challenges and future of AI solutions, and most importantly a look into how AI technologies can be used to make the energy and mobility domains in cities more sustainable.

In the past three years, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Greater Paris, Helsinki, Tallinn and Stavanger have gone through an innovative public procurement project to find solutions that can help accelerate their journey to carbon neutrality. At the end of this process, they selected seven solutions (4 in energy, 3 in mobility) to pilot the solution in real-life conditions. For two days at the WSAI, AI4Cities will host a stand where these solutions – Avenue, Ix3, MPAT, BEE, C-in.City, Spike and Holoni, will present their work in collaboration with their cities. Visitors will get the opportunity to see how these solutions work, how they make cities more sustainable, and get more insights into how the market can successfully collaborate with the public space to create more liveable, sustainable and healthier cities.

Tentative schedule for visitors of the stand

12 October
09:00 – 10:30 – Holoni & Copenhagen
10:15 – 11:30 – MPAT & Tallinn
11:15 – 12:30 – MarshallAI & Greater Paris
12:15 – 13:30 – Avenue & Stavanger
13:15 – 14:30 – Spike & Amsterdam
14:15 – 15:30 – BEE & Helsinki
15:15 – 17:40 C-in.City & Copenhagen

13 October

09:00 - 10:30 - C-in.City
10:15 – 11:30 – MarshallAI
11:15 – 12:30 – BEE
14:15 – 15:30 - MPAT Tool
15:15 – 17:40 – SPIKE

In addition to our presence at the stand, on 12 October Ai4Cities will also be represented in two WSAI sessions:

11:40 – 12:10 – Panel discussion ‘The City as a Living Lab for AI solutions”
During this panel discussion with AI experts, Mark Stoevelaar, CTO Innovation Team for the City of Amsterdam, will present an overview of AI4Cities.

12:10 – 12:30 – AI4Cities deep dive
Sebastian Bruhn, Digitalisation Consultant for the City of Copenhagen, and Grigori Parfjanov, Urban Mobility Expert for the City of Tallinn will go in depth on how the cities and suppliers have worked together to develop the solutions, the effect these solutions have had on the energy and mobility domain in their cities, responsible use of AI, and what the cities and the market can learn for the future from this project. The session will be moderated by Josefine Hintz, PhD candidate at TU Berlin, focusing on how AI can be used for climate actions in European cities. The session will start with an introduction from project coordinator Kaisa Sibelius (Forum Virium Helsinki).


13 October 2022, 10:00 - 12:00
Kattenburgerstraat 5, Commandantswoning

What have the cities learned and how have they benefited from the PCP process? During this event, the cities that have been part of  AI4Cities will share their knowledge, experiences, expectations and conclusions from their three-year PCP journey.

This hybrid seminar is open for all who are interested in learning more about PCP. Join online here


9:30 Coffee
- Welcome and introduction, Kaisa Sibelius, FVH  
- Open Market consultation and defining the challenges for the tender, Nils Henrik Haaland, City of Stavanger
- Designing selection criteria and the evaluation process, Petteri Rekomaa, FVH
- Piloting: challenges and overcoming them, Timo Määttä, City of Helsinki & Margot De Caminel, Cap Digital
- PCP’s Benefits for Cities, Tina Hjøllund, City of Copenhagen.
- PCP experiences of Fabulos project, Renske Martijens-Hartikka, FVH
12:00 Lunch

Register here

Join link

Critères d’analyse des offres & exécution du marché (online)

Cycle de webinaires sur les marchés publics en restauration collective en Bretagne
18 October 2022, 14:30 - 15:00

Le RESECO, en partenariat avec l'ADEME Bretagne, la Région Bretagne, le réseau d'Initiative Bio de Bretagne, la DRAAF Bretagne et la Fédération Régionale des Agrobiologistes de Bretagne, vous propose un cycle de webinaires sur les marchés publics en restauration collective.

Venez prendre 30 min chaque semaine, à partir du Lundi 19 septembre et pour 5 semaines, pour prendre connaissances des aspects méthodologiques et réglementaires associés à la commande publique en restauration collective.

Public visé : rédacteurs de marchés publics, responsable et personnel de cuisine.

Ce cycle sera suivi d’ateliers d’échanges en présentiels pour approfondir la thématique dans chaque territoire de Bretagne (Novembre 2022).

Inscription gratuite.

FAO/IDOS International exchange forum on sustainable public food procurement

25 - 27 October 2022, 10:00 - 18:00


Central to the joint project by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) on implementing sustainable public food procurement practices to catalyse a shift towards sustainable urban food systems is the International Exchange Forum on Sustainable Public Food Procurement 2022. In this joint cooperation, the forum will bring together experts from Africa, Europe, and Latin America for cross-border exchange.

More information about the event and registration can be found here.