SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 523 - 531 from 1211 )

The 2015 Annual Report on the State of Municipal Procurement in Canada
The report highlights strategic sustainable supply chain best practices, trends and outlooks for the year ahead based on challenges and lessons shared by municipalities across Canada.
Textiles, Transport and vehicles, Office stationery
General GPP/SPP
Reeve Consulting
Public Purchasing Guide: A Response to Climate Challenges
This guide aims to provide the reader with technical, legal and operational information for the implementation and deployment of a procurement approach which envisages climate change considerations
Transport and vehicles, Energy, Buildings and construction, Infrastructure
General GPP/SPP
Ministère de l'économie et des finances et ADEME
Procura+ Manual
This fully updated and revised edition of the Procura+ Manual aims to position sustainable procurement in the current economic, political and legal framework. As with previous editions, it acts as a central point of reference for public authorities and others wishing to understand and implement sustainable procurement.
General GPP/SPP
Cornwall Council - Responsible Procurement Guidance for Suppliers
This guide for potential suppliers has been published to give an understanding of Responsible Procurement at Cornwall Council, in line with our Responsible Procurement Policy. It gives information and advice on how we promote Responsible Procurement in the purchasing of goods, works and services and what we expect from potential suppliers during the procurement process.

For Cornwall Council, responsible procurement means pioneering socially, environmentally and economically responsible procurement to deliver improved quality of life and better value for money for our people, our businesses and our County. Essentially, responsible procurement is good procurement.
United Kingdom
General GPP/SPP
Birmingham (UK), Budapest (Hungary), Castelló & Valencia (Spain) and Wrocław (Poland) will demonstrate that by selectively intervening in scheduled public tenders, energy consumption can be reduced and GHG emissions decreased.
General GPP/SPP, Innovation procurement (PPI)
Greening state framework contracts – Approaches in the Nordic countries
The purpose of this project was to clear out how Green Public Procurement has been realized in state framework contracts in the Nordic countries, to propose country-specific ways to improve the situation, and to draw a general model of efficient ways to realize green state framework contracts. The target group includes organizations preparing/ making state framework contracts in each Nordic country, political representatives, government officials, consumer and environmental agency officials, and others interested in GPP.
Europe/EU, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Norway
General GPP/SPP
Nordic Council of Ministers 2016
Buying sustainable timber: A guide for public purchasers in Europe
Der Leitfaden "Einkauf nachhaltiger Holzerzeugnisse" will europäische Behörden beim Einkauf von Holzerzeugnissen aus nachhaltigen Quellen unterstützen.

Er enthält ein einfaches Beschaffungsmodell mit Texten, die direkt in Ausschreibungsdokumente übernommen werden können. Weiterhin enthält das Handbuch Leitlinien für Behörden, die sich darüber hinaus engagieren wollen und die Beschaffung von Holzerzeugnissen als Werkzeug zur Verbesserung der Lebensgrundlage von Bevölkerungsgemeinschaften und Arbeitern sehen, die in weniger entwickelten Ländern von der Waldwirtschaft leben.
Europe/EU, Germany
Timber and forestry
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project (2012)
Buying sustainable timber: A guide for public purchasers in Europe
Questa guida vuole essere un valido strumento di supporto alle amministrazioni pubbliche europee che intendano acquistare prodotti di origine forestale realizzati e commercializzati in modo responsabile ed equo. La guida offre anche un modello di bando di gara con il testo che può essere inserito direttamente (con una semplice operazione di “copia-incolla”) nei documenti di gara.
Europe/EU, Italy
Timber and forestry
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project (2012)
Buying sustainable timber: A guide for public purchasers in Europe
Desarrollada en el marco de este proyecto, específicamente dirigida a los responsables de compra pública, esta guía facilitará a las administraciones la labor de garantizar que los productos forestales que adquieren han sido producidos de un modo sostenible.

La guía contiene un modelo estándar, con textos que pueden incluirse directamente en los documentos de licitación y contrato, en sus especificaciones técnicas o en los criterios de selección de los licitadores, ofreciendo además asistencia para la implantación progresiva de políticas de compra sostenible de estos productos.
Europe/EU, Spain
Timber and forestry
General GPP/SPP, Social responsibility
Sustainable Timber Action in Europe Project (2012)