SEARCH FOR RESOURCES (Total number: 1211)

RESOURCES SEARCH RESULTS ( 541 - 549 from 1211 )

Solutions Gateway - sustainable public procurement
This online support platform was created for Local Governments to provide potential solutions for Low Emission Development of the community, which also enhance local sustainable development.
Solutions are recommended processes or clusters of coherent actions A wide range of sectors are covered, such as waste, water, buildings, energy, transportation, and land use, as well as cross-sectoral themes such as sustainable public procurement.
General GPP/SPP
Socially Responsible Public Procurement of Garments and Textiles
This fact sheet is about the socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) of textiles and garments in Europe. SRPP is all about how the purchasing policies and practices of public sector organisations at the buying end of the supply chain can help to improve global
sustainability and human rights.
General GPP/SPP
Carbon Footprint Calculators for Public Procurement
Report from the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) on the use of carbon footprinting in procurement. The report tool place within the EU-Life+ funded JULIA 2030 project in the Helsinki region, which developed 6 product specific carbon footprint calculators for use in procurement
English, Finnish
Europe/EU, International, Finland
General GPP/SPP
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Green Procurement. Important steps introduced briefly
This six-step guide on how to introduce the concept of green procurement at a public authority provides a first reading. It includes guidance on the importance of market analysis, priority product and service groups, costs over the life cycle and how to include environmental criteria in tenders.
General GPP/SPP
Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, Postfach 10 05 10, 01076 Dresden
Slovenian Ministry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance website provides an overview of national GPP activities, including information on national minimum GPP criteria and the National Action Plan
General GPP/SPP
Slovenian Ministry of Finance
Municipal procurement in transition - large German municipalities on their way to sustainable procurement?
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht zum ersten Mal bei den größten deutschen Städten und Landkreisen, wie deren Beschaffungswesen derzeit aufgestellt ist und inwiefern das Thema Nachhaltigkeit in diesem Bereich bereits heute in die Leistungsanforderung und in die Entscheidungen einfließt. Die Antworten
der teilnehmenden Kommunen liefern folgende zentrale Ergebnisse.
General GPP/SPP
Institut für den öffentlichen Sektor e.V.
Guide for sustainable procurement of services
The guide provides guidance on how purchasing organisations can identify and address the sustainability impacts associated with the procurement of services.
Produced by ECO-Buy on behalf of the Australian Government.
International, Australia
General GPP/SPP
Australian Government (Produced by ECO-Buy)
Sustainability Compass for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
This free online tool developed for SMEs helps to implement responsible supply chain management. There are a variety of sources, links and tools based on simple excel sheets, including a self-check tool to assess progress and database of sustainability labels, allowing for the most appropriate to be selected. (in German only)
Food and catering, Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Energy, Cleaning, Timber and forestry , Buildings and construction, Lighting, Office stationery, Medical equipment, Infrastructure, Green spaces, Events, Furniture
General GPP/SPP, SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in Cooperation with the Global Compact Network Germany
Hessen: Leader in sustainable and fair procurement - guidance
Hessen (Germany) has published on 22 August 2012 a set of 7 sustainable procurement guidelines for the product and service groups office stationary, office communication, office furniture, computers, cars, cleaning services and textiles. They include criteria and verification schemes and include indications on the legal soundness of the proposed criteria.
Textiles, ICT (information and communication techn.), Transport and vehicles, Cleaning, Office stationery, Furniture
General GPP/SPP