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November 2023

Sustainable Public Procurement - identified barriers and the way forward

24 November 2023, 10:00 - 12:00


Swedwatch, ClientEarth and The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) are hosting a new webinar on Sustainable Public Procurement on 24 November 2023 from 10h to 12h. This webinar will focus on practical experiences in Stockholm (Sweden) and Barcelona (Spain) with regard to sustainable public procurement and address potential legal issues public buyers may encounter.

The webinar will discuss barriers to sustainable public procurement practices experienced by contracting authorities. Participants will also explore both the challenges and opportunities with the legal landscape, the inclusion of social and environmental criteria contract clauses, and what would be needed in terms of political changes to be able to use public procurement as a more effective tool to support sustainable development across EU member states.

Discussion during the webinar will be guided by two key questions:

  • How to unleash the potential for sustainable public procurement by integrating both environmental and social dimensions?
  • Is the current European policy framework conducive for sustainable public procurement?

For more information and to register, click here